
Andrew Collier 43

R Recipe: Aligning Axes in ggplot2 Latest


Faceted plots in ggplot2 are phenomenal. They give you a simple way to break down an array of plots according to the values of one or more categorical variables. But what if you want to stack plots of different variables? Not quite so simple. But...

1669 sym R (610 sym/6 pcs) 4 img

Enwu Liu 43

Random effect meta-analysis Latest


The calculations for random effect model meta-analysis are quite straight forward, the followings are steps we need to conduct a random effect model meta analysis using inverse variance weight method. Random effect meta analysis calculations:...

2134 sym

Analysis of AFL 43

Building Your Own Brownlow Model Latest


As some of you may be aware, this is the best time of year. Not only is it finals time but its also Brownlow week. During my honours year my thesis was on trying to predict who would win that years Brownlow medal. I have been running the model...

5270 sym R (13909 sym/7 pcs) 4 img 1 tbl

Alexander Ng 43

Data 605 Fall 2019 Discussion Week 14 Latest


Data 605 Discussion Week 14 Alexander Ng 11/24/2019 Chapter 8.8 #32 Approximate the definite integral by using the first 4 nonzero terms Approximate the value of the given definite integral by using the first 4 non-zero terms of the integrand’s...

2030 sym R (172 sym/2 pcs)

Clara Della Evania (20204920018) 43

Pengantar Algoritma dan Struktur Data Tugas 1 Latest


Email             : RPubs            : Jurusan          : Statistika Bisnis Address         : ARA Center, Matana University Tower    ...

25256 sym 6 img

Aluno Adolfo Manoel 43

Custo Mínimo Esperado de Transporte Latest


Função Distância para o Custo Mínimo Esperado De acordo com o artigo 1, versão beta, a seguinte fórmula é válida para Distância Esperada:...

1819 sym R (1164 sym/3 pcs) 1 img

Gregg Maloy 43

Data_607_Assignment_1 Latest


Part 1 - Introduction The article ‘Why Many Americans Don’t Vote’ describes a survey and subsequent analysis which sought to to provide insights on voter history. The survey captured the responses of 8,327 unique individuals on questions...

2242 sym Python (1358 sym/3 pcs)

Julian Flowers 43

tweets Latest


Background Often useful to distinguish between personal and organisational tweets in document/ discourse analysis of twitter. This note sets out some ideas for doing this. We use 3000 + tweets from @PublicHealthBot - this is a retweet engine so...

2950 sym R (5519 sym/21 pcs) 4 tbl

Jordan Glendrange 43

Data607 Homework 1 Latest


Dataset The data set I chose is titled “How Unpopular is Donald Trump?” The link can be found here: The dataset is hosted on my github account. approval_poll <-...

1259 sym R (4190 sym/7 pcs) 3 img

Orlando Moscote Flórez 43

Gráficos de las distribuciones de probabilidad en R Latest


##Para detalles de las distribuciones puede obtener el libro “Modelos de probabilidad” en la siguiente dirección!Aj-hHTVbsx01hs9cx6tbr9v1vZKjzQ?e=qyn6U4 Distribuciones discretas 1.1 Distribución uniforme discreta...

6214 sym R (7767 sym/64 pcs) 44 img