Alvaro Rivera-Rei 42
Sensorial Metacognition, Gabor pattern detection Latest
cat("\014") # clean terminal rm(list = ls()) # clean workspace try(, silent = TRUE) # close all plots library(afex) library(emmeans) library(ggplot2) library(GGally) theme_set( theme_minimal() ) master_dir <-...
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R on datawookie 42
Relationship between Race Distance and Gender Ratio Latest
In an article entitled “Could women outrun men in ultramarathon races?”, Jenefer Bam and her collaborators explored the hypothesis that running performance of men and women converge with increasing race distance, and suggested that women have...
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Rsquared Academy Blog 42
ggplot2: Histogram Latest
Introduction This is the eleventh post in the series Elegant Data Visualization with ggplot2. In the previous post, we learnt to build box plots. In this post, we will learn to build histogram specify bins modify color fill alpha bin width line...
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Week 13 Lab - "Published" Online Latest
library("knitr") ## set up your working directly like this so that it applies to all chunks opts_knit$set(root.dir= ("C:/Users/aleaw/OneDrive/Desktop/PhD Fall 2020/TA_402/Week 13")) knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo=TRUE)...
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Olivia Martínez Valenzuela 42
Caso 1. Población y Muestra Latest
Objetivo Identificar datos de población y muestra. Descripción Se cargan datos de un archivo que representa una población de jugadores de fútbol a nivel mundial y se extraen muestras que permiten observar algunos estadísticos. Las variables...
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Karl Broman 42
The stupidest R code ever Latest
Let’s start this blog off right, with the stupidest R mistake I’ve ever made (I think). In the R package that I write, R/qtl, one of the main file formats is a comma-delimited file, where the blank cells in the second row are important, as...
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sampletake3 Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...
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Roel Ceballos 42
Survival Analysis Latest
Basics of Survival Analysis Survival analysis corresponds to a set of statistical approaches used to investigate the time it takes for an event of interest to occur. Survival analysis is used in a variety of field such as: Cancer studies for...
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Naftali Brigitta Gunawan (20214920002) 42
Tugas 1 Pengantar Algoritma dan Struktur Data Latest
Email : RPubs : Jurusan : Statistika Bisnis Address : ARA Center, Matana University Tower ...
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Jered Ataky 42
NBA2020 Latest
Assignment Summary Overview This assignment consists of Loading Data into a Data Frame We needed to Write code in R Markdown to import results for analysis. As a big fan of NBA, I chose to explore the article about “The NBA best players this...
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