David Smith 1868
Because it’s Friday: The Earth, with rings Latest
To wind down your afternoon, relax and enjoy the view from various places around the globe of the Earth’s rings in the sky … if the Earth, like Saturn, had rings subject to the Roche Limit. YouTube: What Earth Would Look Like With Rings Like...
644 sym
Thinking inside the box 949
Very flattering Latest
Good friend and fellow Oak Park / River Forest runner Paul Oppenheim used his column in the local weekly for some very flattering words about the marathon runners in our informal running group and even highlighting my personal World Marathon...
733 sym
xi'an 919
Introduction à Monte Carlo en R Latest
Following a proposal by Springer-Verlag Paris, I have decided to translate Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R with George Casella into French, since a new collection of R books (in French) is planed for the Spring of 2010. The translation will...
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John Mount 472
Survive R Latest
New PDF slides version (presented at the Bay Area R Users Meetup October 13, 2009). We at Win-Vector LLC appear to like R a bit more than some of our, perhaps wiser, colleagues ( see: Choose your weapon: Matlab, R or something else? and R and data...
4527 sym
DataIntelligence 468
DataDelito1 Latest
73 sym 2 img
rOpenSci - open tools for open science 446
Onboarding visdat, a tool for preliminary visualisation of whole dataframes Latest
Take a look at the data This is a phrase that comes up when you first get a dataset. It is also ambiguous. Does it mean to do some exploratory modelling? Or make some histograms, scatterplots, and boxplots? Is it both? Starting down...
516 sym
hrbrmstr 438
ThinkStats … in R (including Example 1.2) Latest
ThinkStats (by Allen B. Downey) is a good book to get you familiar with statistics (and even Python, if you’ve done some scripting in other languages). I thought it would be interesting to present some of the examples & exercises in the book in...
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Tal Galili 425
Simple visualization of a 11X5 table (for WordPress 2.9 Features Vote Results) Latest
I guess this is not the number one post I would like to start with on this blog, but I feel the time is right for it (community-wise). I’ll move on to the subject matter in a moment, but first a short intro: This blog is written by Tal Galili. I...
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Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH 415
The building of {tidyAML} Latest
Introduction Yesterday I posted on An Update to {tidyAML} where I was discussing some of my thought process and how things could potentially work for the package. Today I want to showcase how the function fast_regression_parsnip_spec_tbl() and...
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Rubén Pizarro 380
probando Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...
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