Operasi Aritmatik Latest
Universitas: Universitas Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Prodi: Tehnik Informatika Operator Aritmatik Proses perhitungan akan ditangani oleh fungsi khusus. R akan memahami urutannya secara benar. Kecuali kita secara eksplisit menetapkan yang lain....
1786 sym R (524 sym/14 pcs)
Steph 44
Declutter a shiny report’s code v2.0 Latest
Tweet I wrote a year ago on a way to declutter shiny report code which involved putting objects into a sourced file, however, at that point in time the solution was a bit brittle and clunky. Now there’s a better way to develop shiny...
2604 sym
Frederick Morris Jones 44
R Programming Assignment - Factorial Latest
Factorial # Initialize the result result <- 1 # Number to calculate factorial num <- 12 # Loop from 1 to the number for(i in 1:num){ result <- result * i } # Print the result print(result) ## [1]...
17 sym Python (211 sym/2 pcs)
Paul van der Laken 44
Need to save R’s lm() or glm() models? Trim the fat! Latest
I was training a predictive model for work for use in a Shiny App. However, as the training set was quite large (700k+ obs.), the model object to save was also quite large in size (500mb). This slows down your operation significantly! Basically,...
1301 sym R (457 sym/1 pcs)
Chris Paciorek 44
Version 0.6-8 of NIMBLE released! Latest
We’ve just released the newest version of NIMBLE on CRAN and on our website. Version 0.6-8 has a few new features, and more are on the way in the next few months. New features include: the proper Gaussian CAR (conditional autoregressive) model...
1157 sym 2 img
Alvaro "Blag" Tejada Galindo 44
Dealing with R and HANA Latest
First things first…what’s “R”? Simply put…is a programming language and software environment for statistical computing and graphics. More infomation can be found here R on WikipediaI have code in many programming languages, some of them...
2229 sym 14 img
Dwi Putri Adilah 44
Penerapan Fungsi Aritmatika Pada R/RStudio Latest
Fungsi Aritmatika Adalah fungsi matematika sederhana yang terdiri dari penjumlahan, pengurangan, perkalian, pembagian dan gabungan Perhitungan dalam aritmatika dilakukan menurut suatu urutan operasi yang menentukan operasi aritmatika mana yang...
1016 sym R (429 sym/5 pcs)
特邀导师 - 菜菜 43
盈利模式 Latest
读取程序包 ## ## leiou123 ## ## leiou123 ## require('plyr') require('dplyr') require('magrittr') require('stringr') require('knitr') require('kableExtra')...
28938 sym R (13762 sym/51 pcs) 14 img 13 tbl
Brian Singh 43
Document_Test Latest
This is a report showing the distribution of square footage of enclosed vs. unenclosed sidewalk cafes in NYC. It is based on the latest release of data by NYC at the time of report generation. This report was generated on Tue Jun 22 13:37:47...
481 sym R (413 sym/3 pcs) 1 img
Anton Jellvik 43
Code Along 1 Latest
Welcome Ch1 Introduction The data science project workflow Prerequisites R RStudio r packages Install the tidyverse package Running R code Getting help Google Stackoverflow Ch2 Introduction to Data Exploration Ch3 Data Visualization Set...
1378 sym R (1799 sym/10 pcs) 7 img