
rOpenSci Blog - R 45

OA week – A simple use case for programmatic access to PLOS full text Latest


Open access week is here! We love open access, and think it's extremely important to publish in open access journals. One of the many benefits of open access literature is that we likely can use the text of articles in OA journals for many...

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‘ggplot2’ Palettes From Tintin Comic Books Latest


R and Shiny Training: If you find this blog to be interesting, please note that I offer personalized and group-based training sessions that may be reserved through Buy me a Coffee. Additionally, I provide training services in the Spanish language...

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Ejemplo Latest


Prevalencias SEIR Column Chart A Column {data-width=350}...

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Debabrata Kabiraj 45

DATA 605 02[46835] : Week 1 Discussion Latest


L-A First Course in Linear Algebra Chapter M: Matrices Section MM Page 190 C21 Compute the product AB of the two matrices below using both the definition of the matrix-vector product (Definition MVP) and the definition of matrix multiplication...

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Drew Conway 45

Network of People who Twitter about R Latest


On Tuesday I will be speaking to the Bay Area R group about doing social network analysis in R with igraph. During the talk I will (hopefully) be doing some live SNA on the audience using R and generating data via Twitter. As a preview, or...

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Cohorte de gestantes Latest


1. GENERALIDADES DE LA COHORTE Los datos generales de la cohorte son: ## [1] "Total gestantes reportadas: 574267" ## [1] "Total gestantes unicas: 237348" ## [1] "Total gestantes validas: 237214" ## [1] "Total gestantes actualmente en embarazo:...

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finnstats » 45

Grouped Data Mean and Standard Deviation Calculator Latest


We want to determine the mean and standard deviation of ungrouped data in practically all circumstances. However, how can you do that with grouped data? Grouped Data Mean and Standard Deviation Let’s look at an example of how to compute mean...

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HowToRMarkdown Latest


Get the code for this markdown here. R Markdown can make labs for biostats more seamless. Instead of copying and pasting your work into a document to submit, you can knit it together here. To open a new markdown document, click File > New File >...

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Agenda PP Latest


AGENDA DE LAS POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS Diego Solís Delgadillo Maestría en Políticas Públicas Comparadas Introducción Las políticas públicas buscan solucionar problemas Pero muchas veces no hay consenso en los problemas que deben ser...

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Chris Paciorek 44

Version 0.6-8 of NIMBLE released! Latest


We’ve just released the newest version of NIMBLE on CRAN and on our website. Version 0.6-8 has a few new features, and more are on the way in the next few months. New features include: the proper Gaussian CAR (conditional autoregressive) model...

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