
Mandalas, curvas clássicas e visualização com R Latest


class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Mandalas, curvas clássicas e visualização com R ## in:VI Seminário Internacional de Estatística com R ### Profs. Drs. Luciane Alcoforado & João Paulo Martins dos Santos ### Academia da...

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Gerencia Data Science 44

202010_Insights_MIKUY Latest


Introduccion En el siguiente reporte se presenta informacion YTD correspondiente a las visitas, sesiones y usuarios web en las páginas de Mikuy, y las consecuentes órdenes realizadas. En este contexto, es importante definir tres tipos de...

2091 sym 1 img 2 tbl

Joe Connolly 44

SPS R quiz 1 Latest


R Markdown 1. Create a vector with 20 numbers. Include duplicates numb_vect <- c(1:4, 4:10, 9:14, 1:3) numb_vect print(length(numb_vect)) 2. Convert the vector above into a character vector char_vect <- as.character(numb_vect) char_vect 3....

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Dominika Markowska-Desvallons 44

Homework One Latest


Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial x = 1 for( i in 1:12) { x = x * i } print(x) ## [1] 479001600 Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5. seq(20, 50, by = 5) ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50...

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DATA 607 - Coding Assignment 1 Latest


Name: Peter Phung Introduction Link to article: Biden’s response to the coronavirus crisis was compared to Trump’s handling through the use of several time series graphs shown on...

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Elementary math research study Latest


Time charts for observed lessons Saurabh Khanna 2020-06-17 Time charts Reading in data Graphs by grade level Percentage time Total time SFUSD and JM Percentage times Absolute times Old graphs Percentage duration Total duration # Libraries...

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análises de tretas eleitorais Latest


Duas semanas de A gente sabe que quando o assunto é dados muita gente já quer ir embora. Mas te prometemos que você vai amar esse relatório lindo que fizemos, segue com a gente! Em duas semanas já recebemos vinte e oito (28) tretas . Deixa...

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Dr Sameul Blay Nguah 44

Eugenia's Analysis Output Latest


Table 1A Asuogya Sunkwae Dromankoma Kasei Total Test stat. P value Total 61 62 229 124 476 Sex Chisq. (3 df) = 0.37 0.947 Male 32 (52.5) 31 (50) 124 (54.1) 65 (52.4) 252 (52.9) Female 29 (47.5) 31...

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schochastics 44

Dimensionality Reduction Methods Using FIFA 18 Player Data Latest


In this post, I will introduce three different methods for dimensionality reduction of large datasets. #used packages library(tidyverse) # for data wrangling library(stringr) # for string manipulations library(ggbiplot) # pca biplot with...

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R by R(yo) 44

Thrice: Initial Data Exploration and Song Length Distributions with Joy Plots! Latest


(April-2018: updated to use ggridges package instead of deprecated ggjoy) Hello, for those who know me well you would know that my favorite band is Thrice! For those that aren’t familiar with them, they are a post-hardcore rock band from...

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