Área estadística - DAPPTe 47
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Semana 44 Datos del operativo: Ubicación: Libertad, Merlo, Buenos Aires. Duración: Desde el día 2022-10-25 hasta el 2022-10-28. Áreas aportadas por la DAPPTe: Administrativos, Atención médica - Salud del Adulto, Atención médica -...
645 sym 1 img
Election results in Dorset plus You Gov predictions Latest
Data sources The figures use historical data from UK Parliament web site The final data point for 2019 is the result projected by the YouGov multilevel regression and post stratification model...
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Allan Engelhardt 46
R tips: Keep your packages up-to-date Latest
In this entry in a small series of tips for the use of the R statistical analysis and computing tool, we look at how to keep your addon packages up-to-date. One of the great strengths of R is the many packages available. All the new approaches,...
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The Hyperbolic Secant Distribution Latest
The Hyperbolic Secant Distribution The Hyperbolic Secant distribution is a distribution with support on \({\mathbb R}\). It is a continuous, symmetric, and tractable distribution with heavier tails than those of the Normal distribution. The...
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Oscar 46
A roadmap for getting started with R Latest
Some folks at work expressed an interest in how to get started learning R. There are lots of resources out there, but I thought I’d share with you what I shared with them as a pathway that I followed that’s working out well for me. You don’t...
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Janis Corona 46
Subset of Stock with ML for Days Increasing or Decreasing as Target Latest
This script takes the ALL_65_stocks_countGroups_date1_date2_lagN.csv file made in the matrix_automateDateLagStocks2.Rmd script where date1 is the requested information and date 2 is the date script ran and lagN is the number N days the lag counts...
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Noam Ross 46
Exploring Pollen Data Latest
I wrote a few functions to grab data and from the Global Pollen Database: source("~/code/_Pollen/pollendatafuntions.R") ## Loading required package: stratigraph ## Loading required package: grid ## Loading required package: graphics ## Loading...
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Kristoffer Magnusson 46
Does mindfulness aid insight problem solving? New study suggest so Latest
A new study (Ostafin, B. D., & Kassman, K. T, In Press) examined whether mindfulness meditation could help improve participants’ insight problem solving skills. Their hypothesis was that mindfulness might aid in solving of problems that require...
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