
Jean Jimenez 47

R Workshop Homework #1 Latest


R Workshop Homework 1 Question 1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial Here is my answer for this question: #loop that calculates 12 factorial num=1 for(i in 1:12){ num=num*i } print(num) ## [1] 479001600 Question 2 Show how to...

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Veronica Boyce 47

PS1 Latest


In this assignment we’ll learn about dplyr and tidyr, two packages from the tidyverse that allow elegant and easily understandable data tidying and manipulation. We’ll do this by working through the steps of loading an actual dataset, tidying...

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Joshua Registe 47

Data 608 Final Project Proposal Latest


1 Proposal As part of this final project, I will be looking at emission patterns nationally over the past decade looking at potential major contributors to the cause of global warming. Engineers and scientists often get posed questions along the...

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Hotel booking cancellations - Part 1 Latest


Dataset Hotel Booking Demand Research question What are the key variables for predicting hotel booking cancellations? logistic regression, decision tree, random forest Load libraries library(tidyverse) library(Hmisc) library(psych)...

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step1 Latest


title: “Pierre G” author: “MALLAH Siham” date: “01/06/2021” output: pdf_document: default html_document: default word_document: default D explanatory sexeM 0.32 (0.09-1.16, p=0.078) tabacNon 0.83 (0.21-3.18, p=0.788) tabacOui 0.18...

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Presentacion 1 Latest


Estadística para el Análisis Político | Lección 1 Marylia Cruz Bievenid@ A la aventura más divertida del semestre 2023-1. Guías: Marylía Cruz - Karina Alcantará - Alexander Cruz -...

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Shariq Mian 47



HW1 Question 1 fct=1 num=12 for (i in 1:num) { fct=fct*i } print(fct) ## [1] 479001600 Question 2 vect=(seq(20,50,5)) print(vect) ## [1] 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Question 3 Quadratic Equation Form =ax^2+bx+c Equation = function(a, b, c) { if (a...

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MilanoR 47

Analyzing baseball data with R Latest


This week, the post is an interview with Max Marchi. Max is the author, with Jim Albert, of the book “Analyzing baseball data with R“. Hi, Max. Welcome back to MilanoR. Last time you wrote for us a series of articles about maps with R. Now...

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@aschinchon 47

The Ex Libris Generator Latest


Tweet Go ahead stomp your feet on the floorboards Clap your hands if that’s really what you came here for (Heaven, The Milk Carton Kids) Inspired by curves created by the harmonograph, I have done a Shiny app to generate random images that...

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Seguros Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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