Publications by Frederick Morris Jones

Real-Time Market Analysis, Alerts, and Automated Trading System with Reinforcement Learning and Dashboard Visualization


Real-Time Market Analysis, Alerts, and Automated Trading System with Reinforcement Learning and Dashboard Visualization ABSTRACT This project, Real-Time Market Analysis, Alerts, and Automated Trading System with Reinforcement Learning and Dashboard Visualization, aims to create a comprehensive trading platform integrating real-time market analysis...

35390 sym Python (1825 sym/4 pcs) 5 img

Exploratory Analysis using R


Data Downloading and importation ## Define the URLs #urls <- c( # "", # "" #) # ## Define the filenames to save the zip files locally #file_names <- c("1000000_Sales...

904 sym R (87109 sym/115 pcs) 14 img

Exploratory Data Analysis


Data Downloading and importation ## Define the URLs #urls <- c( # "", # "" #) # ## Define the filenames to save the zip files locally #file_names <- c("1000000_Sales_Record...

892 sym R (85659 sym/105 pcs) 14 img

knn,bayesian linear regression with R


DAta Dwonloading and importation # Define the URLs #urls <- c( # "", # "" #) # ## Define the filenames to save the zip files locally #file_names <- c("1000000_Sales_Records...

890 sym R (88702 sym/108 pcs) 14 img

Critical Minerals to the US and Sources


rm(list = ls()) # Load necessary libraries library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(tidyr) library(readxl) data <- read_excel("Mine...

1363 sym R (2872 sym/13 pcs) 4 img

Food Insecurity in The US


The issue of food security is often relegated to far-off places, but it’s imperative to recognize its presence closer to home, within the United States. While it may not see the stark images of starvation commonly associated with global hunger, food insecurity permeates households across the nation, affecting individuals of all ages. This report ...

6870 sym 4 img

Chaper 8


8.1. Recreate the sim_dta data from Exercise 7.2: packages <- c("mlbench", "caret", "gbm", "randomForest","pracma","ipred", "AppliedPredictiveModeling","party","ggplot2","rpart","randomForest","randomForestExplainer","partykit"); sapply(packages, require, character.only = TRUE) ## Loading required package: mlbench ## Loading required package: caret...

5038 sym Python (13643 sym/95 pcs) 3 img

The Best Performance Model


R Markdown The best-performing models can be identified by comparing the RMSE (Root Mean Square Error) and R-squared values from the res dataframe. Lower RMSE values and higher R-squared values indicate better model performance. Additionally, the MARS model’s feature importance, calculated using varImp(), provides insights into the most influenti...

2139 sym R (3514 sym/15 pcs) 3 img

Analysis of Chemical Manufacturing Process Dataset Using Machine Learning


R Markdown The provided R code performs a comprehensive analysis of a dataset related to a Chemical Manufacturing Process using various machine learning models. The dataset is first preprocessed by handling missing values, removing zero variance columns, and splitting it into training and testing sets. Then, the code builds and evaluates multiple n...

5068 sym R (9102 sym/35 pcs) 3 img

Story 4


Data source: The salary data for this story was taken from kaggle which is available at the link: More information about the wages and employment can be found at U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics: Load the required l...

1383 sym R (4725 sym/12 pcs) 5 img