Publications by Steph
Sexual Selection and Behavior
Introduction In a rapdily changing world, it has become increasingly more important for us to understand why some organisms are successful adapters and invaders and the mechanisms behind these. We know that ecological cues can drive the evolution of phenotypic traits, but more recently we have shown that this, in turn, changes the environment. Life...
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Declutter a shiny report’s code v2.0
Tweet I wrote a year ago on a way to declutter shiny report code which involved putting objects into a sourced file, however, at that point in time the solution was a bit brittle and clunky. Now there’s a better way to develop shiny applications – shiny modules. In October, RStudio introduced the concept of modules which involves abstracting...
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Upcoming R for Microsoft training days
Tweet In May, I will be delivering two R for Microsoft training days. These two days will focus on some R fundamentals and applying these fundamentals within the Microsoft Data Platform. These training days are ideal if you know one half of the components – whether that’s the R bit or the Microsoft BI bit. Either way, you’ll learn about th...
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mockaRoo – making realistic test data in R
Tweet When I’m building stuff in R like packages, models, etc. I find myself wishing for realistic looking test data without having to resort to getting data off my production server. To that end I’ve been on the hunt for a way of generating decent test data. A few months back I stumbled upon the neat system Mockaroo which provides a GUI to ...
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SSH tunnels on Windows for R
Tweet Recently I’ve had to get to grips with SSH tunnels. SSH tunnels are really useful for maintaining remote network integrity and work in a secure fashion. It is, however, a pain to open PuTTY and log in all the time, mainly because I couldn’t script it in R! It’s been a trial, but like most things it turned out to be pretty simple in t...
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HIBPwned, an R package for
Tweet The answer in life to the inevitable question of “How can I do that in R?” should be “There’s a package for that”. So when I wanted to query (HIBP) to check whether a bunch of emails had been involved in data breaches and there wasn’t an R package for HIBP, it meant that the responsibility for making one land...
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R package news: tfsR, HIBPwned, mockaRoo
Tweet This is a brief update on my packages not currently on CRAN: tfsR, HIBPwned, and mockaRoo. tfsR tfsR is designed to help you work git repositories in Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). I wrote the package a while ago and it has/had just two functions; one for getting a list of git repositories, a...
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Auto-deploying documentation: better change tracking of artefacts
Tweet As part of my never-ending quest to deploy documentation better, I’ve made yet another tweak to my scripts that deploy R vignettes or Rmarkdown documents to the gh-pages branch of my github repositories via Travis-CI. The script from Robert Flight that’s provided the basis for most of this work does something specific to update the web...
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R Quick Tip: Collapse a lists of data.frames with data.table
Tweet With my HIBPwned package, I consume the HaveIBeenPwned API and return back a list object with an element for each email address. Each element holds a data.frame of breach data or a stub response with a single column data.frame containing NA. Elements are named with the email addresses they relate to. I had a list of data.frames and I wante...
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Shiny module design patterns: Pass a single input to multiple modules
Tweet For the awesome Shiny Developers Conference back in January, I endeavoured to learn about shiny modules and overhaul an application using them in the space of two days. I succeeded and almost immediately switched onto other projects, thereby losing most of the hard-won knowledge! As I rediscover shiny modules and start putting them into mo...
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