Publications by MSDS 6372: Jacob Turner: Student: Jessica McPhaul link:

Dev Drive Setup


Step 1: Setting Up Development Tools on the Dev Drive You’ll need to configure your commonly used tools (like Python, VSCode, WSL, and Docker) to store their files, projects, or data on the Dev Drive. 1. Python (venv or Conda) Using venv: Open a terminal (Command Prompt or PowerShell). Create a Python virtual environment directly on the Dev...

10849 sym Python (678 sym/13 pcs)

Jessica McPhaul GIS 7334 Fall 2024 JZ


Week 3 Learn: 3-1 Edinburgh Week 3 pptx 3-2 3-2 These have been on canvas waiting for grades since September 12 Week 4 HACK - This was turned in but you didn’t grade it correctly, overlooking the link as well as the comments. Week 4 Jessica’s Bike Survey Storymap Wheelin’ Around Dallas] Week 5 Week 5 Snow LEARN 7-1 : This was turne...

5194 sym 20 img

GIS 7334 2024 J MCPhaul


Week 3 Learn: 7-1 Stormwater Week 7 Pile it on: Dallas Zoning LS0tDQp0aXRsZTogIkdJUyBGYWxsIDIwMjQwIg0KYXV0aG9yOiAiSmVzc2ljYSBNY1BoYXVsIg0Kb3V0cHV0OiBodG1sX25vdGVib29rDQotLS0NCg0KIyMgV2VlayAzDQoNCkxlYXJuOg0KDQpbNy0xIFN0b3Jtd2F0ZXJdKGh0dHBzOi8vZ2l0aHViLmNvbS90ZXhhc2NoaWtraXRhL0dJUzczMzQvYmxvYi9tYWluL1dlZWslMjA3L0plc3NpY2ElMjBfQ2FtcHVzJTIwU3Rvcm1...

687 sym 1 img

GIS7334 Fall 2024 J McPhaul


Week 3 Learn: 3-1 Edinburgh Week 3 pptx 3-2 3-2 These have been on canvas waiting for grades since September 12 Week 4 HACK - This was turned in but you didn’t grade it correctly, overlooking the link as well as the comments. Week 4 Jessica’s Bike Survey Storymap Wheelin’ Around Dallas] Week 5 Week 5 Snow LEARN 7-1 : This was turne...

4656 sym 20 img

lab 3 instructions


Assignment Summary The assignment involves applying one of three analytical methods—association rule mining, clustering, or collaborative filtering—on a chosen dataset to derive actionable insights. The report must follow the CRISP-DM framework and include a thorough analysis, reproducible results, and clearly defined steps. Options for An...

11887 sym

NVIDIA LIbraries


Stream Name: Texaschikkita Stream URL: Stream ID: 9962324179 Measurement Id: G-CV2648GQMK NVIDIA GPU Libraries and Tools: A Comprehensive Guide with Usage Examples This guide provides an overview and practical code snippets for NVIDIA’s GPU-accelerated libraries, focusing on their unique capabilities and usa...

10955 sym Python (2965 sym/12 pcs)

NVIDIA Libraries & Tools


Stream Name: Texaschikkita Stream URL: Stream ID: 9962324179 Measurement Id: G-CV2648GQMK Quantum Libraries: cuQUANTUM: - NVIDIA’s SDK for quantum computing simulation - Key features: 1. High-performance quantum circuit simulation 2. GPU-accelerated quantum algorithms 3. Integration with major quantum frame...

22608 sym



Stream Name Texaschikkita Stream URL Stream ID 9962324179 Measurement Id G-CV2648GQMK Study Guide: Recommender Systems Using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Key Concepts Recommender Systems: Systems designed to suggest items (e.g., movies) based on user preferences or history. Example: Netflix suggesting m...

67739 sym Python (3585 sym/14 pcs)



7331_Module13_20_nov_24 Author J McPhaul Stream Name: Texaschikkita Stream URL: Stream ID: 9962324179 Measurement Id: G-CV2648GQMK Introduction Collaborative filtering is a powerful technique for building recommendation systems. It works by finding patterns in user behavior, such as the items they have rated ...

10951 sym 1 tbl



7331 Module 14: 20_nov_24 Author J McPhaul Stream Name: Texaschikkita Stream URL: Stream ID: 9962324179 Measurement Id: G-CV2648GQMK Module 14 Study Guide: Data Parallelism and Graph Parallelism 1. Introduction to Data Parallelism Big Data Overview: - The rise of massive data volumes has changed how we appro...

5652 sym Python (2742 sym/7 pcs)