Publications by MSDS 6372: Jacob Turner: Student: Jessica McPhaul link:
Study Guide: Data Mining and Data Types 1. Introduction to Data Mining Data Mining: The process of extracting implicit, previously unknown, or useful information from large data sets. Origins: John Tukey: A key figure in data mining, famous for coining the term “bit” and co-inventing the Fast Fourier Transform. His work laid the foundati...
36000 sym
testing for quarto boring
ML7331 Environments Author JessiTMcP Create Environment In Bash (Use mamba or conda depending on your system setup) mamba create -n ml7331 python=3.9 r-base=4.4.1 mamba activate ml7331 mamba install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml7331 --display-name "Python (ml7331)" # (restart VSCode or source ~/.bashrc) mamba acti...
1492 sym Python (3649 sym/33 pcs)
Machine Learning Set-Up 7331
ML7331 SetUp Author JessiTMcP Create Environment In Bash (Use mamba or conda depending on system setup) mamba create -n ml7331 python=3.9 r-base=4.4.1 mamba activate ml7331 #conda activate ml7331 etc if conda mamba install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml7331 --display-name "Python (ml7331)" # (restart VSCode or sourc...
1282 sym Python (3676 sym/32 pcs)
Environment Setup For ML7331
Environment Setup for ML7331 Author Jessica McPhaul Create Environment In Bash (Use mamba or conda depending on your system setup) mamba create -n ml7331 python=3.9 r-base=4.4.1 mamba activate ml7331 mamba install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml7331 --display-name "Python (ml7331)" # (restart vscode or source ~/.bash...
1348 sym
McPhaul Quantum Particle Algorithm (MQPA) - A Groundbreaking Approach to Quantum Computing Abstract The Molecular Quantum Particle Algorithm (MQPA) represents a significant advancement in quantum computing, challenging conventional approaches to quantum gate linearity and offering novel methodologies for particle detection and anomaly detectio...
57928 sym 1 img
tidying up cgp
Let’s break down your project into practical steps and address each part systematically. Step 1: Prove MQPA with a Known Dataset We’ll start by selecting a known dataset to prove the MQPA. For simplicity, we’ll use a dataset available in the QM9 dataset collection, which contains quantum chemical calculations. Setup and Environment Ensure...
9346 sym Python (2810 sym/5 pcs)
quantum simulators
Let’s delve into the comparison of three popular quantum simulators: SV1 (State Vector 1), TN1 (Tensor Network 1), and DM1 (Density Matrix 1). SV1 (State Vector 1) SV1, or State Vector 1, represents the quantum state as a state vector. This simulator is particularly suited for simulating pure states and can handle systems with a relatively s...
21692 sym Python (10878 sym/21 pcs)
Reading, Drawing, and Writing Molecules *************************************** Reading single molecules .. testsetup:: # clean up in case these tests are running in a python process that has already # imported the IPythonConsole code from rdkit.Chem.Draw import IPythonConsole IPythonConsole.UninstallIPythonRenderer() from rdkit.Chem import rd...
104956 sym Python (986 sym/4 pcs) 12 tbl
The IBM Quantum Lab course on the basics of quantum information for single systems introduces fundamental concepts about quantum bits (qubits), their states, and how they are represented and manipulated mathematically. Below is a summary along with the mathematical representations typically discussed in such a course. Summary: Qubits and Supe...
81514 sym Python (2022 sym/11 pcs)
jess july mqpa working 2
MQPA: A (Potentially) New Paradigm in Quantum Computing The Real-World Inspiration In practical terms, particle dynamics exhibit free movement, akin to the natural flow of water and wind. Extreme weather events like tsunamis, tornadoes, and hurricanes showcase diverse and unpredictable movement patterns, significantly impacting society. Similar...
13558 sym Python (14480 sym/25 pcs)