Publications by MSDS 6372: Jacob Turner: Student: Jessica McPhaul link:
load("C:/Users/jessi/Desktop/ML7331_ICA5/titanic2.raw.rdata") # Number of rows nrow(titanic.raw) [1] 2201 # Number of columns ncol(titanic.raw) [1] 4 # Or both at once (dimension of the data) dim(titanic.raw) [1] 2201 4 # Column names colnames(titanic.raw) [1] "Class" "Sex" "Age" "Survived" # Display the first 6 rows head(tit...
14479 sym
Machine Learning 7331 - Module 12
Association Rule Mining Study Guide Overview of Association Analysis Association analysis examines relationships between items in a dataset to determine patterns of co-occurrence. In association rule mining, these patterns are used to generate rules that predict when certain items will appear together. For example, in a retail setting, this ana...
87291 sym Python (11835 sym/17 pcs) 4 img
Machine Learning - Module 12 - Nov 2024
Association Rule Mining Study Guide Overview of Association Analysis Association analysis examines relationships between items in a dataset to determine patterns of co-occurrence. In association rule mining, these patterns are used to generate rules that predict when certain items will appear together. For example, in a retail setting, this ana...
20055 sym Python (2571 sym/4 pcs)
First Steps in Python
1. Introduction to Programming in Python save Python files with the .py extension to indicate they’re Python scripts. Example: Creating Python Script Save a file named print("hello, world") Prints “hello, world” to the screen. The function print() is used to display text or other output in Python. Run using to use the command li...
27685 sym Python (10265 sym/18 pcs)
Python Step 2, will include: Setting Up VS Code Explanation: Introduction to using VS Code as an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Python. Setup Steps: How to create and open files, use the terminal, and navigate VS Code. Code Example: Basic setup. Basic Python Constructs Explanation: Introduction to variables, function...
27236 sym Python (10158 sym/5 pcs)
Intro to Python - Lesson 2
Title: Python Step 2: Intermediate Basics for New Python Programmers Author: Jessica McPhaul Date: December 3, 2022 Output: HTML Notebook Lesson Overview This lesson will build on the fundamental concepts you learned in Step 1. It aims to introduce you to essential tools and practices for effective Python programming, including: Setting Up Vis...
32716 sym Python (4083 sym/17 pcs)
Env & Publishing
Create Environment In Bash (Use mamba or conda depending on your system setup) mamba create -n ml7331 python=3.9 r-base=4.4.1 mamba activate ml7331 mamba install ipykernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name ml7331 --display-name "Python (ml7331)" # (restart VSCode or source ~/.bashrc) mamba activate ml7331 mamba install tzlocal mamba...
11416 sym R (3638 sym/31 pcs)
Nedelina’s Notebook: To use Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) for learning the two clusters (the two Gaussian distributions) in the data, we need to estimate several key parameters for each Gaussian component in the mixture. Here’s what needs to be ...
94680 sym Python (10463 sym/18 pcs)
Group Paris - Lab 1
Step 1: Business Understanding Purpose of the Dataset We are using the Paris Airbnb dataset, which was likely collected to provide insights into short-term rental properties in Paris, including availability, pricing, and other property-related features. This dataset helps us understand the rental market by analyzing factors such as pricing and...
13802 sym Python (2686 sym/15 pcs)
Jessica's First ArcGis Map of Paris
This is a map of Tourist attraction in Paris, France. Map Layers: Adam Smith’s Paris Key Interest Points: These are points of interest (POIs) throughout Paris that I’ve included from Adam Smith’s dataset. They likely cover landmarks, museums, historical sites, and other significant locations. I’ve plotted these POIs across the map to...
16054 sym Python (7292 sym/2 pcs) 1 img