Publications by MSDS 6372: Jacob Turner: Student: Jessica McPhaul link:
Click here to view the Unit 9 Homework Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions State the assumptions of the LDA model. What is the fundamental difference between the LDA and QDA model? What is a confusion matrix? What is the fundamental difference between sensitivity and precision (positive predictive value)? Answer Exercise 1: A. Normality, homosc...
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Jessica McPhaul - 6372 _Unit_10_PreLive
Jessica McPhaul - 6372 _Unit_10_PreLive Prelive Data Set #1 In a 1962 social experiment, 123 three to four-year-old children from poverty level families in Ypsilanti, Michigan were randomly assigned either to a treatment group receiving 2 years of preschool instruction or to a control group receiving no preschool. The participants were follow...
9902 sym R (3126 sym/15 pcs)
Jessica McPhaul DS 6372 Unit 9 Pre Live Session
Discussion 1: Error Metrics Consider the following confusion matrix computed from a validation set. The “yes” outcome here is whether a person commits to purchasing an item over the phone (advertising). ## TrueNo TrueYes ## PredNo 6326 120 ## PredYes 1638 958 Compute by hand the sensitivity and specificity for the conf...
13002 sym R (6249 sym/24 pcs) 5 img
6372 Homework 7
Exercise 1: Conceptual questions What is the primary impact on running a regression model and ignoring the fact that the data has repeated measures in it? Answer A: Biased estimates: The model’s estimates of the relationship between variables may be inaccurate, either underestimating or overestimating the true effect. Incorrect standard err...
10028 sym R (555 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
6372 Unit 6 HW
HW Instructions Students should create a separate R markdown file that includes the necessary code and graphics to answer each question. The R markdown file should be submitted as well as a knitted version in either Word or HTML. Although the homeworks are designed to offer students a jumping off point when it comes to coding, students are expe...
10978 sym R (4219 sym/40 pcs) 3 img
6372 Pre Live Session 7
Discussion 1: IFN Data Revisited Many repeated measures studies sample data over fixed time points. Under this setting, the time variable could be treated as a factor when the interest is to compare time points to each other. Visually, it is helpful to plot the means of each time group along with additional predictor information. For plotting p...
13195 sym R (8557 sym/22 pcs) 7 img
Unit 6 Pre Live Sessopn
Disclaimer This pre-live session utilizes LaTex to write out mathematical equations and matrices. When organizing your own work, you are not required to write mathematically in R markdown although you are welcome to try. For any hand calculations you can simply write them on paper, take a quick picture with your phone and include it in the mark...
5575 sym
Project 1 rmd file
Link2Project ##RPubs RPubs Part A: Initial Exploration & Introduction to Dataset Dataset Composition Observations: 2,848 entries spanning from 2000 to 2015. Variables: 23, including both health-related and economic indicators. Data Types: Combination of categorical (Country, Region) and numerical (health indicators, economic measures). Year C...
23597 sym R (454184 sym/222 pcs) 14 img
Exploratory Analysis on Life Expectancy - Project 1 - SMU 6372
Part A 1. Library Optimization library(readr) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library(ggplot2) library(plotly) ## ## Attaching package: 'p...
621 sym R (265526 sym/200 pcs) 14 img