Publications by MSDS 6372: Jacob Turner: Student: Jessica McPhaul link:

Project Part 2


Libraries ## PART 2 library(xgboost) library(shapper) ## Warning: package 'shapper' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(ROCR) ## Warning: package 'ROCR' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(ROSE) ## Warning: package 'ROSE' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(DMwR2) ## Warning: package 'DMwR2' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(smo...

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Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions True or False? Principle component analysis is a predictive modeling technique such as linear regression, LDA, or knn. True or False? Technically speaking, PCA should not be applied to categorical variables. An analyst conducts PCA on continous variables 1 through 20 and settled on reducing the data down to 4 PC...

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Stats2Project2_Objective1_FINAL NEEDS REVIEW


For a detailed exploration and insights from an initial analysis of the Glow_Bonemed dataset, refer to the detailed report on RPubs. Preliminaries Load necessary libraries library(ggplot2) library(dplyr) library(caret) library(pROC) library(car) library(effects) ## Warning: package 'effects' was built under R version 4.3.3 library(lmtest) ...

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Jessica McPhaul Unit 12 HW


Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions Name at least two advantages that logistic regression has over LDA. Does logistic regression predict the binary outcome or does it predict something else? Explain. True or false? Multicollinearity is not typically an issue with LDA. However it is still an issue for logistic regression. Briefly explain the separa...

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Jessica McPhaul 6372 Unit 13 Pre Live Session


Discussion 1: PCA Basics Review For this discussion we will be utilizing a data set that was a study investigating potential civil rights violations among insurance companies operating in Chicago, Illinois. A description of the data set can be found as well as a description for each variable. Please take the time and read through the descriptio...

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Jessica McPhaul - 6372 - Unit-11-Homework


Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions What is the main issue with fitting an MLR on a binary response coded as 0 or 1? What must we do to a logistic regression coefficient to interpret it as an odds ratio? If we wanted to interpret an odds ratio for a 20-unit increase (rather than a one-unit increase) of a continuous predictor, what is the general ...

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Jessica McPhaul - Unit 12 Pre Live Session


Discussion 1: Adjustment of a 2x2 table Dr. Turner mentioned in the videos that, like MLR, logistic regression allows for estimating effects while taking into account additional variables. These additional variables could be confounding the effect you wish to estimate most. Consider the following example where two colleges had a science compet...

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Jessica McPhaul_Unit_10_HW


Jessica McPhaul - 6372 _Unit_10_Homework Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions State under what circumstance a difference in proportion confidence interval should not be used in favor of an odds ratio metric. Under what sampling schemes can a hypothesis test be generally worded as a “test for association”, rather than a test for difference in ...

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Jessica McPhaul - 6372 _Unit_11_PreLive Discussion 1: Continous Predictor Case As discussed in the videos, visualizing trends when the predictor is continuous and the response is binary takes a little care. Loess curves are one way to examine it but the results will vary depending on the data set and sample size. We will illustrate this using ...

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Click here to view the Unit 9 Homework Exercise 1: Conceptual Questions State the assumptions of the LDA model. What is the fundamental difference between the LDA and QDA model? What is a confusion matrix? What is the fundamental difference between sensitivity and precision (positive predictive value)? Answer Exercise 1: A. Normality, homosc...

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