Publications by Julian Flowers
1 Introduction 1.1 Level-two heading Level-two and below headings… 1.1.1 Level-three …are all contained in the same section. 2 Text Example text. 3 Plots You may include any number of plots in a section. par(mar = c(4, 4, .5, .1)) plot(cars, pch = 19) plot(pressure, type = 'h') 4 Images Local news reported a giant inflatable rubber duc...
589 sym R (156 sym/3 pcs) 3 img
E011 website
E011 Home About License workflowr Summary Checks Past versions Last updated: 2022-03-03 Checks: 2 0 Knit directory: E011/ This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results were created. The Past versions tab l...
1675 sym R (46 sym/1 pcs)
plastic pollution
Look for reviews of COVID or PPE related plastic pollution Search is ((“sars-cov-2”[MeSH Terms] OR “sars-cov-2”[All Fields] OR “covid”[All Fields] OR “covid-19”[MeSH Terms] OR “covid-19”[All Fields]) OR (“Polit Philos Econ”[Journal] OR “ppe”[All Fields]) OR facemask[All Fields]) AND ((“plastics”[MeSH Terms] OR “p...
529 sym R (2213813 sym/7 pcs)
Protected species
Govt guidance From Habitats url <- "" tables <- url %>% read_html() %>% html_table() tables[1] %>% knitr::kable() Habitat, building or land Species to look for Ancient or vet...
616 sym R (74423 sym/75 pcs) 8 tbl