Publications by Julian Flowers
uk <- data$overview nations <- data$nations regions <- data$regions nhs_regions <- data$nhsRegions la <- data$utlas UK nameUk <- map(uk, "name") ukdf <- map(uk$K02000001, enframe) ukdf_names <- map(uk$K02000001[2:32], colnames) %>% enframe() create_metrics <- function(i){ j <- i -1 ukdf[[i]] %>% unnest("value") %>% mutate(metric ...
161 sym R (15946 sym/21 pcs) 2 img
Case DSRs
DSRs Julian Flowers 2021-01-03 Calculate case rate dsrs for local authorities URL <- "" source_url(URL) test <- case_dsrs_las(area = "ltla") tail(test$dsr) ## # A tibble: 6 x 10 ## # Groups: areaName, date [6] ## areaName date total_count total_pop...
9177 sym R (3841 sym/10 pcs) 5 img
MSOA maps
MSOA case maps 2021-01-03 library(data.table) library(tmap) library(ggmap) library(geojsonio) library(tidyverse) msoa <- fread("") msoa1 <- msoa[date == m...
126 sym R (2049 sym/8 pcs) 3 img 4 tbl
Test AS coverage
Load libraries Download data Clean data Vaccines pops Calculate rates join data plot Calculate standardised rates ### dsr cases ## <ggproto object: Class ScaleDiscrete, Scale, gg> ## aesthetics: colour ## axis_order: function ## break_info: function ## break_positions: function ## breaks: waiver ## call: c...
174 sym R (1301 sym/1 pcs) 4 img
Test transformers in reticulate
Usingscispacy for analysing fluoride texts - python pacakges for scientific and clinical NER. # py_install("python") #py_install("pytorch") #py_install("spacy-transformers", pip = TRUE) py_install("pandas") #import("torch") library(tidyverse) #py_install("ssl") py_install("spacy") py_install("scispacy", pip = TRUE) py_install("https://...
132 sym R (11446 sym/27 pcs) 2 tbl
Libraries if(!require("pacman"))install.packages("pacman") library(pacman) p_load(tidyverse, quanteda, tidytext, skimr, topicmodels, stm, textfeatures, wordcloud, ggforce) p_load_gh("julianflowers/myScrapers") Read data data <- read_csv("") Rapid EDA skim(data) Data summary Name data Number of rows 190328 Numbe...
884 sym R (172389 sym/33 pcs) 13 img 4 tbl
new_project Home About License Source code workflowr Summary Checks Past versions Last updated: 2022-01-16 Checks: 2 0 Knit directory: new_project/ This reproducible R Markdown analysis was created with workflowr (version 1.7.0). The Checks tab describes the reproducibility checks that were applied when the results wer...
1992 sym R (68 sym/1 pcs) 1 tbl