Publications by Julian Flowers
futuRe possibilities
futuRe possibilities futuRe possibilities A series of workshops/informal sessions demonstrating the potential of R in academic work research data science… What we hope to cover Getting started keep your data tidy DRY WIT Be m...
939 sym
Tiny Forest
Tiny Forests Published July 13, 2023 needs(tinyForestR, sf, tidyverse) library(tinyForestR) data("tf_latest") head(tf_latest) # A tibble: 6 × 13 # Groups: tf_id [1] name.x tf_id name.y value.y url stub plant_date area trees gps lat <int> <dbl> <int> <chr> <chr> <chr> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> 1 1 85 ...
89 sym Python (2416 sym/7 pcs) 2 img
Using tinyForestR
How to use the tinyForestR package What is the tinyForestR package? tinyForestR is a set of tools designed to extract, manipulate and analyse data relevant to the location of Tiny Forests in the UK. Specifically it extracts and processes landcover and biodiversity data from a range of sources for a given area around Tiny Forest locations, and...
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Using tinyForestR (1)
How to use the tinyForestR package What is the tinyForestR package? tinyForestR is a set of tools designed to extract, manipulate and analyse data relevant to the location of Tiny Forests in the UK. Specifically it extracts and processes landcover and biodiversity data from a range of sources for a given area around Tiny Forest locations, and prov...
4913 sym 3 img
R for the terrified but curious
R for the curious but terrified What is R? - a Statistical Programming Language Syntax Code Statistical analysis What is R? - a Data Science Toolkit Analysis Visualisation Data wrangling Data access Reproducibility Publication and sharing A few examples Map the distribution of species x over time using NBN atlas data Get the data from the NBN...
460 sym 2 img
Lamarre et al
Table of contents Critical review of Lamarre et al. (2017a) Introduction Summary Context Detailed discussion Study design Analysis Results Strengths Areas of weakness Conclusion Critical review Lamarre et al MOD003372 Author 2050507 Published March 22, 2023 Critical review of Lamarre et al. (2017a) Introduction Summary In the paper by...
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nbn_atlas api
The NBN API The NBN API (application programming interface) is a means of programmatically querying the NBN atlas database across the web. Queries take the form of a web link (URL) which can be modified to download relevant data directly from the web in to R for further analysis. The NBN atlas API is documented here - this gives details of how to b...
2844 sym R (3646 sym/12 pcs) 1 img