Publications by Julian Flowers

govdown test


Skip to main content Trial Title Download and import data !Warning This is a lead paragraph url - Heading 1 heading 2 Heading 1 heading 2 library(readODS) library(here) library(tidyverse...

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Covid test positvity


1 Introduction This document walks through time series modelling and forecasting with the modeltime R package which gives access to a wide range of time series models with easy tooling to fit, evaluate, forecast and visualisations. To illustrate its use we will use data from the UK Covid19 Dashboard for daily positivity rates in PCR tests. This b...

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Search Search for microplastics and human health search <- "microplastics health human[mh] review[pt]" n <- 153 start <- 1990 end <- 2021 key <- Sys.getenv("ncbi_key") out <- pubmedAbstractR(search = search, n = n, start = start, end = end, ncbi_key = key) ## Please wait...Your query is (("microplastics"[MeSH Terms] OR "microplastics"[All Fields...

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Microplastic pollution


Govt enquiry into plastic pollution ## [[1]] ## readtext object consisting of 1 document and 0 docvars. ## # Description: df [1 × 2] ## doc_id text ## <chr> <chr> ## 1 179.pdf "\"House of C\"..." ## ## [[2]] ## readtext object consisting of 1 document and 0 docvars. ## # Description: df [1 × 2] ## doc_id ...

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plastic pollution public health 2



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Plastic pollution and health pubmed reviews


pmid title year journal 35022970 Plastic accumulation during COVID-19: call for another pandemic; bioplastic a step towards this challenge? 2022 Environ Sci Pollut Res Int 34896491 Quantifying the importance of plastic pollution for the dissemination of human pathogens: The challenges of choosing an appropriate 'control' material. 2021 Sci Total...

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Why learn R? Transformational Extend what you can do Marketable Added value Huge community of support Its the future and the future is now Its fun! Environments and systems R is: A statistical progamming language Open source An essential toolkit for data science and modern analysis A GIS A modelling toolkit A machine learning toolkit A time ...

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Common bird density



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ladder plot common birds



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1 Introduction 1.1 Level-two heading Level-two and below headings… 1.1.1 Level-three …are all contained in the same section. 1.1.2 A table Table 1.1: A boring table. mpg cyl disp hp drat wt qsec vs am gear carb Mazda RX4 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.620 16.46 0 1 4 4 Mazda RX4 Wag 21.0 6 160 110 3.90 2.875 17.02 0 1 4 4 Datsun 710 22.8 4 108...

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