Publications by
practical - Week 1 2023-08-23 Practical 1: HTML Headings Practice Instructions: Create a new HTML file named headings_practice.html using a text editor or integrated development environment (IDE). Begin with the basic HTML structure: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width...
3578 sym
Analysis of Washington State Schools
Washington State Schools Analysis An Analysis of Enrollment, Assessment, & Graduation John Morse 2023-08-13 Introduction Recent economic, political, and health related events in the United States have impacted much of our life, including education. As a parent of two teenagers, I have had a front-row seat to changes in education for the past 20+ y...
29482 sym 15 img 1 tbl
knitr::opts_chunk$set(warning = FALSE, message = FALSE) package RSQLiteをインストール&ロードすると、自動的にDBIパッケージ(RでDataBaseを扱う際に必要なパッケージ)が使えるようになる。 pacman::p_load(tidyverse, RSQLite, lubridate, tableone, skimr) データベース FドライブのRSQLiteフォル...
1262 sym
Test Flex Dashboards
Pages Page 1 Column Chart 1 Column Chart 2 Page 2 Column Chart 3 Column Chart 4 Page 3 Column Chart 3 Chart 4...
193 sym 12 img
pacman::p_load(tidyverse, plotly, FactoMineR) カイ二乗分布と自由度 正規分布の2乗を足し合わせた分布を書いてみる # 1個 hist(rnorm(10000)^2, breaks = 20) # 2個 hist(rnorm(10000)^2 + rnorm(10000)^2, breaks = 20) # 3個 norm_3 <- rnorm(10000)^2 + rnorm(10000)^2 + rnorm(10000)^2 hist(norm_3, breaks = 20) #8 norm...
289 sym 12 img
pacman::p_load(tidyverse) カイ二乗分布と自由度 不偏分散の分布は? 前回、中心極限定理(推定平均値の分布について)を理解した。 次に不偏分散\(\hat{\sigma}^2\)の分布を考える \[ \hat\sigma^2 = \frac{1}{n-1} \sum_{i=1}^{n} (x_i - \bar{x})^2 \] 分子は正規分布の2乗を足し合わせ�...
1744 sym 26 img
Publish Document
Simulation and Functions Outline Simulation Loops Functions Simulation Outline Why simulate? How to simulate? Goal: Learn how to use simulation to answer statistical questions! Why Simulate? In science, how do we support or refute a hypothesis? We run an experiment! Experiments let us work in a setting where we have precise control Often...
11941 sym 6 img
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Fitting Models to Data Linear Models Terminology/Definitions Correlation is a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs (strength) of variables are related. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be heavier than shorter people. The coefficient of determination is the proportion of the varia...
36621 sym R (54862 sym/283 pcs) 25 img
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Introduction to R Markdown and R Programming Part 1: Statistical Computing What is statistical computing? Statistics + Computing There are many, many statistical packages, see In this class, we will discuss some basic computer science concepts, but we will emphasize skills for utilizing ...
20374 sym Python (16993 sym/310 pcs) 1 img 7 tbl
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Statistical Prediction and Optimization Statistical Prediction and Optimization Statistical Prediction Outline Training and Testing Cross-validation Goal: Learn the concepts, terminology, and techniques in statistical prediction! Part 1: Training and Testing Recall: Regression We want to know the relationship between our covariates (X’s) ...
17064 sym R (20895 sym/87 pcs) 2 img