Publications by
(前回までの資料も一部記載していますが、コードは最低限にしています。復習は前回の資料を参照してください。) package pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, tableone, skimr, duckdb, arrow, RSQLite) データベース FドライブのDatabaseフォルダ内のmimic.dbにアクセス�...
3902 sym Python (43711 sym/107 pcs) 2 img
packages pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, tableone, survival, survminer, car, svglite) data df_PEO_total <- read_csv("MIMIC_HDS.csv") |> mutate(GENDER = ifelse(GENDER == "M", 1, 0)) df_PEO_total col_continuous <- c("age", "height", "weight", "BMI", "heartrate", "sysbp", "diasbp", "meanbp", "resprate", "tempc"...
2189 sym Python (21822 sym/77 pcs) 7 img
2024-01-25 Variables that matter when it comes to cheating Children Years Married Religiousness Marriage Rating Rating Rating: Take people at their word when they say they have a good marriage Religiousness: Seems like going to church is a good thing… Religiousness Children: Remember you have a spouse? Years Married: Now I know where the ...
409 sym
1- Intro to R
Week 1 Objectives Create a new R file Install a library Load a library Import a dataset See the dataset’s structure Summarize a dataset Create a new variable find the minimum find the maximum find the mean Create simple graph Create a new R file First go to “File” then “New File”. Then select “R Script”. Save the new R file Save the...
1369 sym R (3453 sym/18 pcs) 8 img
昨年学んだことのおさらい(とりあえずざっくりとしたまとめ、あくまで参考程度に) 理想気体の状態方程式 \[\begin{equation} pV = NkT \end{equation}\] 理想気体の内部エネルギー \[\begin{equation} U = \frac{3}{2}NkT \end{equation}\] 熱力学第1法則 \[\begin{equation} dU = \delta Q + \delta W = ...
7197 sym
Publish Document
論文再現 Mihara T, A network meta-analysis of the clinical properties of various types of supraglottic airway device in children. Anaesthesia. 2017;72: 1251–1264. 論文ではBayesianネットワークメタ解析しているが、近年Frequentistの方法でも解析できるようになってきている。実習ではFrequentist�...
1506 sym R (15281 sym/37 pcs) 8 img
packages pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, tableone, survival, survminer, car, svglite) data df_PEO_total <- read_csv("MIMIC_HDS.csv") |> mutate(GENDER = ifelse(GENDER == "M", 1, 0)) df_PEO_total col_continuous <- c("age", "height", "weight", "BMI", "heartrate", "sysbp", "diasbp", "meanbp", "re...
2625 sym Python (21767 sym/77 pcs) 28 img
前回までの内容も記載していますが、コードのupdateはされていません。 前回の復習は前回のRPbusを参照してください。 package pacman::p_load(tidyverse, RSQLite, lubridate, tableone, skimr) 事前資料 データベース FドライブのRSQLiteフォルダ内のtempフォルダ内のmimic.dbとア...
13002 sym Python (96300 sym/303 pcs) 8 img 6 tbl
[ISDC] Final Project
Executive summary Many people in the modern society use social media. Some people use social media with a clear purpose to get information or have their own profile, but most people use it without much purpose, such as because their friends do it or to take time away. On social media, a space that opens itself up to not only close acquaintances...
7971 sym 7 img
"Шахнаме" Абу-л-Касима Фирдоуси
“Шахнаме” Абу-л-Касима Фирдоуси Обзор исследования Цель данной работы - проанализировать частоту упоминания персонажей в первом томе эпоса Абу-л-Касима Фирдоуси «Шахнаме», а также найти вс...
3357 sym R (12393 sym/90 pcs) 4 img