Publications by
母集団の平均値をμとする(通常は未知) 母集団の分散を\({\sigma}^2\)とする(通常は未知) 母集団からランダムサンプリングした集団を「標本」と呼ぶ 標本サイズ=サンプルサイズ(=症例数) 標本数=集団数 この標本から得られる平均値は母集団の平均�...
1392 sym 4 img
母集団の平均値をμとする(通常は未知) 母集団の分散をσとする(通常は未知) 母集団からランダムサンプリングした集団を「標本」と呼ぶ 標本サイズ=サンプルサイズ(=症例数) 標本数=集団数 この標本から得られる平均値は母集団の平均値μの推定...
1322 sym 4 img
7/18に期末テスト@教室 統計的検定(t検定): おさらいの意味も含めて 信頼区間を利用することで、統計的検定を行うことができる。統計的検定とは、とある母集団の性質に関する帰無仮説 \(H_0\) を棄却できるか、対立仮説の方が妥当か否かを検定するもので�...
5482 sym 2 img 1 tbl
Загрузка библиотек и данных library(dplyr) library(lmtest) library(modelsummary) library(ggplot2) library(margins) library(readxl) library(ggpubr) Pyaterochka <- read_excel("/Users/user/Desktop/Курсач/Обраб.данные.ver2/Pyaterochka_results.xlsx", sheet=1) MAGNIT <- read_excel("/Users/user/Desktop/Курса�...
567 sym R (16921 sym/31 pcs) 5 img 3 tbl
Thesis Title: Non-Stationary Mixed-Frequency Variables in Time Series Models: A New Design Approach Derek Cheng 2023-05-23 Master Theisis done at University Of Oslo master thesis: done by individual 60 ETCs credit: regarding as long Master thesis work to address open-end research question open-end research question = no scholars or researchers ...
1456 sym 15 img
Functions Outline Loops Functions Loops - For Loops For loops iterate along an input vector, stores the current value of the vector as a variable, and repeatedly evaluates a code chunk until the vector is exhausted. for (i in 1:5) { print(i) } ## [1] 1 ## [1] 2 ## [1] 3 ## [1] 4 ## [1] 5 for (i in 1:8) { print(i) } ## [1] 1 ## [...
3012 sym
Bechdel Report
The Bechdel Test The Bechdel Test was devised by Alison Bechdel and poses the folowing questions: Does a movie have at least two women? Do any of these women talk to one another? Do they talk about something other than a man? The Bechdel Cartoon
788 sym 1 img 2 tbl
Fitting Models to Data Linear Models Terminology/Definitions Correlation is a statistical technique that can show whether and how strongly pairs (strength) of variables are related. For example, height and weight are related; taller people tend to be heavier than shorter people. The coefficient of determination is the proportion of the varia...
13290 sym R (17398 sym/104 pcs) 13 img
Data Visualization and Manipulation
Data Visualization and Manipulation Part 1: Introduction to tidyverse Tidyverse The tidyverse is a collection of powerful R packages for data science. They include: Reading and saving data: readr Data manipulation: tidyr, dplyr Data visualization: ggplot2 Working with different data structures: tibble, purrr, stringr, forcats You can install...
9624 sym R (20298 sym/105 pcs) 28 img
Introduction to R Markdown and R Programming
Introduction to R Markdown and R Programming Part 1: What is statistical computing? Statistics + Computing There are many, many statistical packages, see In this class, we will discuss some basic computer science concepts, but we will emphasize skills for utilizing computers to aid in da...
11720 sym Python (10006 sym/276 pcs) 1 img 1 tbl