Publications by



practical - Week 7 2023-08-23 Practical 1: String length in php (use strlen() function) Practical 2: Sub String in php (use substr() function) Practical 3: Word count function of String in php (use str_word_count() function) Practical 4: Reverse string function of String in php (use strrev() function)...

321 sym 4 img



practical - Week 6 2023-08-23 Practical 1: Generate an html table in the output below using the array given below $cars = array ( array("Volvo",22,18), array("BMW",15,13), array("Saab",5,2), array("Land Rover",17,15) ); Practical 2: Create a php program to read item form input field (array notation) and show them using indexed arr...

347 sym



practical - Week 5 2023-08-23 Practical 1: Do some revision x 1:starting vs code and opening/creating folder to workwith 2:installing php server extenstion 3:creating a simple hello world in php and viewing it in browser 4:executing php in inerative shell 5:executing php code via terminal 6:creating a variable 7:types of variables ...

119 sym Python (1301 sym/2 pcs) 1 tbl



Unit 2- Control Statements 2023-08-23 Php Unit 2 :Control Statements Download Unit2_1.pdf...

96 sym



practical - Week 4 2023-08-23 Practical 1: Write the php code for the given scenario. Take the input from the commandline, use php interactive mode (php -a). Hint: $input = trim(fgets(STDIN)); or trim(fscanf(STDIN, "%d\n", $numeric_input)); Practical 2: Write the switch case for the above practical. Practical 3: If the marks obtained by a stu...

603 sym 1 img

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Köln Reise Drei Tage in Köln Unterkünfte Koncept Hotel International Blaubach 13 50676 Köln Deutschland Eine Nacht $137.41 Total (Drei Nachte): $412.23 Flugtickets (Von Dulles nach Koln) $1,590 Frei WLAN, ein Fernseher, heiße Duschen Freitag, Juni 2 800 AM: Ankunft am Köln Bonn Flughafen 1300 PM: Mittagessen um Gruber’s Restaurant 14...

793 sym 6 img 1 tbl



Köln Reise Drei Tage in Köln Unterkünfte Koncept Hotel International Blaubach 13 50676 Köln Deutschland Eine Nacht $137.41 Total (Drei Nachte): $412.23 Flugtickets $1,590 Freitag, Juni 2 8 AM: Ankunft am Köln Bonn Flughafen 1 PM: Mittagessen um Gruber’s Restaurant 2 PM: Zu fuß zum Museum Ludwig (Vier Minuten) 7 PM: Einen Film in Hot...

696 sym 6 img 1 tbl



practical - Week 3 2023-08-23 Practical 1: Write a php program that displays the datatypes of the following variables : status = true, age =25, name = “Mahavir jain”, salary = 23999.50, hasbike = true; Practical 2: Write a php program that concatenates two strings “Hello” and “world”; Practical 3: Write a php program that demons...

407 sym



Background About Me (Derek C.) 03 February, 2023 Academic Background spring 2023 : participate two courses (Stockholm University,DSV) Scientific Communication and Research Methodology — VT2023 (related to an individual mini-thesis project, using IMRaD writing format) Analysis of Bases for Decision — VT2023 (related to computational linguis...

2238 sym

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Unit 1 php 2023-08-23 Php Unit 1 Download Unit 1_Introduction-PHP.pdf ...

76 sym