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Introduction This analysis explores the drivers of employee attrition using HR data including: Satisfaction levels Performance evaluations Number of projects Working hours Tenure Other workplace factors Exploratory Data Analysis - Numerical Variables Key observations: Satisfaction shows a trimodal distribution Last evaluation scores are slightl...
3727 sym 1 img
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(前回までの資料も一部記載していますが、コードは最低限にしています。復習は前回の資料を参照してください。) package pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, tableone, skimr, duckdb, arrow, RSQLite) データベース FドライブのDatabaseフォルダ内のmimic.dbにアクセス�...
3902 sym Python (43767 sym/107 pcs) 2 img
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packages pacman::p_load(tidyverse, lubridate, tableone, survival, survminer, car, svglite) data df_PEO_total <- read_csv("MIMIC_HDS.csv") |> mutate(GENDER = ifelse(GENDER == "M", 1, 0)) df_PEO_total col_continuous <- c("age", "height", "weight", "BMI", "heartrate", "sysbp", "diasbp", "meanbp", "resprate", "tempc"...
2191 sym Python (21920 sym/77 pcs) 7 img