
untitled Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

591 sym R (262 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Assignment 2 Latest


2. The major difference between the KNN classifer and KNN regression is that the KNN classifer attempts to predict the class that the output variable belongs to by calculating the local probabilites, while KNN regression predicts the value of the...

3819 sym R (11413 sym/44 pcs) 7 img

Ika Sulistiorini 7

Exploratory Data Analysis for Kiva Dataset Latest


1 Background 1.1 What’s Kiva .org ? Based on Wikipedia, Kiva (commonly known by its domain name, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization headquartered in San Francisco, California that allows people to lend money via the Internet to...

8597 sym R (10222 sym/38 pcs) 6 img

indiacrunchin 7

Setting up AWS Cluster to use snow in R Latest


Setting up AWS Cluster I wanted to setup an AWS cluster to take a shot at a Kaggle contest – DunnHumby Challenge For this, I found StarCluster to be of great help. It allows you to set-up AWS nodes in...

1201 sym 4 img

Ines Patop 7

Document Latest


1 English 1.1 Introduction I plan to analyze the age distribution of those tested for COVID in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires (CABA) accumulated as of October 25, 2021. 1.2 Packages to use library(sf) library(tmap) library(tidyverse)...

10292 sym R (22492 sym/94 pcs) 22 img

Angelica Maria Gonzalez Insuasti 7

Modelo Arboles Latest


El siguiente informe corresponde a una regresion para los datos del peso de una muestra de arboles, en funcion de la altura, el diametro entre otras. Los datos se muestran acontinuacion library(readxl) datos_biomasa = read_excel("C:/Users/Angie...

4360 sym R (6192 sym/35 pcs) 13 img

Isaac N 7

Bivariate Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see Note: this analysis was performed using the...

1793 sym R (690 sym/7 pcs) 2 img

Office of Institutional Research 7

Five Year Trend Report - First-time Freshmen Latest


Status Table Fall 2016 Fall 2017 Fall 2018 Fall 2019 Fall 2020 # % # % # % # % # % Full-time 3,531 97% 4,084 94% 4,066 95% 3,517 95% 2,617 94% Part-time 111 3% 239 6% 221 5% 177 5% 162 6% Total 3,642 100% 4,323 100% 4,287 100% 3,694...

225 sym 2 img 7 tbl

final block variables and correlations Latest


Block characteristics that we are interested in are ## [1] "age" "flats_total" "max_floor_lvl" "walk_to_station" ## [5] "direct_to_park" "direct_to_park" "walk_to_market" "to_BP_walk" ## [9] "good_school_1km" Block...

1313 sym R (29841 sym/12 pcs) 26 img

Iris Leonor Marquez Arevalo MA15003 7



ecuaciones cuadraticas ec_cuadratica<-function(x,y,z){ ecuacion<-(y^2-4*x*z) if(ecuacion>=0){ x_1<-(-y+sqrt(ecuacion))/(2*x) x_2<-(-y-sqrt(ecuacion))/(2*x) resultado<-list(x_1,x_2) print(resultado) }...

52 sym R (439 sym/5 pcs)