tips to tame youR dRagon Latest
class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # tips to tame youR dRagon ## Hannah L. Owens ### @HannahOish ### 2021-06-14 --- <style type="text/css"> .remark-slide-content { font-size: 30px; padding: 1em 4em 1em 4em; } </style> # Does...
5448 sym
HAP747 - Ashton Brasol 7
Alg-II-Assignment-2 Latest
Chapter 3 (Questions 2,9,10,12) Question 2 Carefully explain the differences between the KNN classifier and KNN regression methods. Answer: KNN classifier methods result in a qualitative output for Y while KNN regression methods result in a...
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Reproducible Research Project Latest
1: Synopsis The goal of the assignment is to explore the NOAA Storm Database and explore the effects of severe weather events on both population and economy.The database covers the time period between 1950 and November 2011. The following analysis...
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Hazel Elena Palacios Palacios Carnet:PS15018 7
Solución de ejercicios de estimación MCO Latest
Solución Solución Ejercicio #1 1.Generando la matriz X′X options(scipen = 99999999) matriz_xx<-matrix(data = c(25,4586, 2018, 4586, 1030398, 364545, 2018, 364545, 204312),...
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Kevin Hazenfield 7
HW2 Latest
Question 1 Create a working directory, and download all three data files from Canvas (CVG_Flights.csv, airlines.csv, and airports.csv), put them in the working directory, and read these data files into R as three data frames. library(tidyverse) ##...
4609 sym R (11406 sym/39 pcs)
Heather Lin 7
first Latest
this is the title this is the subtitle this is the text To create a chunk: shortcut (cmmd + opt + i) # my students are letting me know how much longer they can stand being in this zoom class minutes <- c(35, 30, 44, 28, 30, 60, 35, 45, 30, 60,...
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Heidi Peterson 7
Statistical Inference: The Central Limit Theorem Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see The project consists of two parts: A...
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Helena Pimentel Ramos 7
Por onde anda voce Latest
Onde Anda Você - ( Vinicius de Moraes & Toquinho ) E por falar em saudade Onde anda você? Onde anda os seus olhos Que a gente não vê Onde anda esse corpo? Que me deixou morto De tanto prazer E por falar em beleza Onde anda a canção? Que se...
828 sym
Hellen Silva 7
Parcelas Subdivididas - DBC. Latest
1 Introdução Para nossa análise, usaremos os dados de um experimento sobre a adubação nitrogenada em milho, em parcelas subdivididas, no qual foram comparados: 4 Adubos e 3 Doses, em 4 blocos casualizados. Os tipos de Adubos e Doses foram:...
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Hello, world! My name is Justin. 7
Deep (learning) like Jacques Cousteau – Part 2 – Scalars Latest
(TL;DR: Scalars are single numbers.) I have so many scalars! Opie, the open source snake I’m sorry…that was lame… Me Last time, we covered some basic concepts regarding sets on our journey to understanding vectors and matrices. Let’s...
4098 sym R (159 sym/4 pcs) 4 img