aula 1 adm Latest
A democracia política é cristã pelo fato de que nela o homem – não apenas um homem, mas cada homem – é considerado um ente soberano, o ente supremo, ainda que seja o homem em sua manifestação inculta, não social, o homem em sua...
654 sym
Hernán Mora 7
Tarea 1 Latest
Tarea 1 ## Crear documento en RMarkdown Este es mí primera tarea del curso de R Se observa en la Figura 1. el comportamiento de la variable height (altura de las mujeres en Estados Unidos). summary(women$height) ## Min. 1st Qu. Median...
289 sym R (124 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
hilaryparker 7
The Setup (Part 1) Latest
One of the more challenging things about beginning graduate school was learning what tools and software I needed in order to work efficiently. Unlike college where software requirements were laid out in front of me and everyone seemed to use the...
8204 sym 4 img
Anke Hildebrandt 7
In class demonstration Variogram Latest
Prologue This is a demonstration of the calculation of the experimantal variogram and fitting theoretical variogram using the packate geoR in R. Note This document is written in R Markdown. This is a very convenient way to built up a workflow in...
6741 sym R (6839 sym/39 pcs) 8 img
ME414- Exercise list Latest
Estatística Descritiva A tabela a seguir apresenta as proporções do número de apendicectomias de emergência realizadas mensalmente em um certo hospital (dados coletados ao longo de alguns anos). Número de Apendicectomias Proporção 0...
48147 sym 6 img 1 tbl
Y Jager 7
Markdown document - dangers of ratios Latest
Demonstrate dangers of normalizing Generate random CO2, area & energy from Barros data ## Loading objects: ## US.GHG.dt #' Remove dependency on area and kWh #' 1 mg/m2 = 1 kg/km2; and per day to per year US.GHG.dt[, CO2.kgC := CO2.mgC.m2.d *...
205 sym R (4415 sym/19 pcs) 6 img
Week 8 - R for mapping Latest
Advanced GIS, Week 8 Outline Assignment 3 File organization Intro to R and R Studio Lab 3 overview & Part 1 deliverables Importing data into R Data manipulation with the tidyverse Exporting data frames Lab 3 deliverables detail Getting help...
15735 sym Python (5286 sym/23 pcs) 10 img 3 tbl
Homer White 7
Pander/Pandoc for Pretty Conversion on the R Studio Server Latest
Eventually we get around to teaching our students to turn in Homework assignments as R Markdown documents, and towards the end of the semester many of them will do a data analysis project, complete with a report generated as an HTML file. But...
2745 sym R (169 sym/4 pcs) 2 tbl
Hossam Hassan 7
Inferential statistics Latest
#Part 1: Simulation Exercise Overview In this project, you will investigate the exponential distribution in R and compare it with the Central Limit Theorem. The exponential distribution can be simulated in R with rexp(n, lambda) where lambda is...
4412 sym R (5609 sym/46 pcs) 5 img
張修語108096008 7
SSP_HW1 Latest
#檔案地址 fLoc <- "" # 讀取檔案 dta <- read.table(file = fLoc, header = TRUE) #dta 的類型是資料框架(data frame) class(dta) ## [1] "data.frame" 看看dta維度:...
709 sym R (9103 sym/108 pcs) 5 img