Publications by Y Jager

Publish Document


## [1] "Initiating ShinyVEST-lite with parameters " parameter value buffer.m 60 0.05 dCO2eq.swg.MgCO2eq.ha 0 dCO2eq.will.MgCO2eq.ha 0 Ffac 2.42 future.year 2030 35 Nfac 1.22 Nfert.corn 120 Nfert.swg 30 Nfert.will 0 28 SOC.corn.MgCO2eq.ha 2.782 SOC.swg.MgCO2eq....

2442 sym 8 img 1 tbl

BioVEST-lite, 30-m buffer


Introduction This tool is a simple version of BioVEST that allows users to explore the effects of changing riparian buffer composition and the values of ecosystem services. The tool uses Tier-1 methods to estimate carbon storage, emissions, and nutrient loadings, as well as the monetary value of these changes due to replacing annual crops wit...

1742 sym 4 img 1 tbl

BioVest-lite (60 m buffers)


Introduction This tool is a simple version of BioVEST that allows users to explore the effects of changing riparian buffer composition and the values of ecosystem services. The tool uses Tier-1 methods to estimate carbon storage, emissions, and nutrient loadings, as well as the monetary value of these changes due to replacing annual crops wit...

1748 sym 10 img 1 tbl

Res-strat geometry map



3 sym

Res-strat geometry map



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Markdown document - dangers of ratios


Demonstrate dangers of normalizing Generate random CO2, area & energy from Barros data ## Loading objects: ## US.GHG.dt #' Remove dependency on area and kWh #' 1 mg/m2 = 1 kg/km2; and per day to per year US.GHG.dt[, CO2.kgC := CO2.mgC.m2.d * area.km2 * 365] US.GHG.dt[, CH4.kgC := CH4.mgC.m2.d * area.km2 * 365] demo.dt <- subset(US.GHG.dt,...

205 sym R (4415 sym/19 pcs) 6 img



Thresholds can have an effect on the value of water quality improvements to water users. ## $Nclass ## [1] "All" ## ## $tt2 ## [1] "0.04" ## ## $tt1 ## [1] "1" ## ## $do.plot ## [1] "TRUE" ## ## $save.plots ## [1] "TRUE" Break-even prices The analysis here shows how adding values from improved water quality due to growing perenn...

746 sym R (592 sym/4 pcs) 3 img

Stacked supply curves


Load data needed for plotting ## Loading objects: ## Future.stat.dt Total biomass (Mt) 0 kg/ha 20-30 kg/ha 60-70 kg/ha 100-110 kg/ha willow 0.5970252 1.650777 2.1179895 2.2417869 poplar 0.0534172 0.148672 0.2406739 0.3343974 switchgrass 2.4274965 19.959480 37.4404059 47.3956948 miscanthus ...

526 sym R (40 sym/1 pcs) 1 img 2 tbl

Pee Dee modeling


1 Methods Simulations using the Quantus-subdaily (Quantus-SD) model were run for nine operational scenarios to evaluate the effects of environmental ramping restrictions now and under future demands.The Quantus-subdaily model is described elsewhere. To evaluate results, we plotted the effects of operational scenarios by simulating survival of ear...

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Thresholds can have an effect on the value of water quality improvements to water users. Plot supply curve for break-even price The analysis here shows how adding values from improved water quality due to growing perennial feedstocks can decrease the break-even price for the feedstock biomass. In the first graph(s) we show quantiles for SWAT...

602 sym R (170 sym/2 pcs) 1 img 4 tbl