Publications by Anke Hildebrandt
Linde Temperature / Water balance
Use daily climate station time series from DWD, downloaded here: Chose stations - No 6265 Wusteritz (01.5.2004 - current) - Data missing - start in 2005, same period as Muehlhausen is available filename = "tageswerte_KL_06265_20040501_20221231_hist/pro...
47144 sym R (34034 sym/139 pcs) 31 img
SESO Temperature / Water balance
Use daily climate station time series from DWD, downloaded here: Chose stations - No 3289 Schmierits-Weltwitz (01.10.1972 - current) near SESO - Data missing - start analysis ti fit Hai, which only starts in 2005 filename = "tageswerte_KL_03289_1972100...
45067 sym R (29998 sym/124 pcs) 24 img
Hainich Temperature / Water balance
Use daily climate station time series from DWD, downloaded here: Chose station No 6305 Mühlhausen/Thüringen-Görmar filename_mhlsn = "tageswerte_KL_06305_20041201_20221231_hist/produkt_klima_tag_20041201_20221231_06305.txt" # Mühlhausen - n...
30773 sym R (16612 sym/60 pcs) 17 img
Precipitation analysis - Hainich
Use daily precpitation time series from DWD, downloaded here: Chose station No 6305 Mühlhausen/Thüringen-Görmar filename_mhlsn = "tageswerte_RR_06305_20041201_20221231_hist/produkt_nieder_tag_20041201_20221231_06305.txt" # Mühlhausen - nea...
15324 sym Python (12934 sym/55 pcs) 11 img
Geostat Lecture 5
rm(list=ls()) # remove all variables from worspace library(latex2exp) This script addresses the Central Limit Theorem (zentraler Grenzwertsatz) that is essential to the Gaussian Distribution. Here we demonstrate it, by drawing from a binominal distribution, e.g. calculating the sums of n trials of a Bernoulli experiment. According to the Central L...
2639 sym R (499 sym/9 pcs) 3 img
In class demonstration Variogram
Prologue This is a demonstration of the calculation of the experimantal variogram and fitting theoretical variogram using the packate geoR in R. Note This document is written in R Markdown. This is a very convenient way to built up a workflow in R. setwd("~/Cloud_Jena/Geostat_2021/InClass_Vario") filename = "ev15.csv" a<-read.csv(filename) a=na.o...
6741 sym R (6839 sym/39 pcs) 8 img
RIntro 2022
This scritpt is meant to demonstrate quickly the very first steps in R and basic commands used in the lecture series. It is not meant to be comprehensive. We will only use a small subset of the vast R ecosystem in the lectures. This script will be enough help to get you started and hopefully leave out unnecessary baggage. Here is how to use this ...
21802 sym R (6515 sym/128 pcs) 5 img