
Plot Latest



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Dai Yichao (IVAN) 7

Report of Practise of Inferential Statistic Latest


Profile Setup knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) Simulation Exercise Show the sample mean and compare it to the theoretical mean of the distribution. set.seed(122) lambda = 0.2 OrigExpD_0.2 = rexp(n = 40,rate = 0.2) samp_mean =...

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Iris Zhong ( 7

Reproducibility Report for an SEL Program Efficacy Study by Low et al. (2019, Developmental Psychology) Latest


Introduction Social-emotional learning (SEL) programs have recently gained increasing attention. Therefore, it is vital to evaluate the program’s efficacy in promoting social-emotional and academic skills. Low et al. (2019) utilized a two-year...

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Jenny Anderson Biechele-Speziale 7

Document Latest


About the Analysis This analysis looks at the most harmful weather events in the USA from 1950-2011. I looked at the most dangerous to human life (injuries and fatalities) and economic loss (crop and property damage). To determine this, NOAA’s...

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Jack Han 7

Data Analysis for Marketing Research with R Language (1) Latest


Data Analysis technologies such as t-test, ANOVA, regression, conjoint analysis, and factor analysis are widely used in the marketing research areas of A/B Testing, consumer preference analysis, market segmentation, product pricing, sales driver...

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Document Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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Garland 7

In Class Activity - BAIS 496 Latest


Olympics Data This is data from the 2016 Rio Olympics found on Kaggle. A row of this data set is a singular athlete and includes different attributes of that athlete such as their name, nationality, sex, dob, height, weight, sport, and the...

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Jacqui Fai 7

Week 1 Learning Log Latest


Expectations Honestly, whenever I hear the word ‘coding’, I always thing of something either: super complicated, super smart, and overall just something way beyond my level of understanding. So hearing Danielle describe this whole process in...

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Jadson 7

Reproducible Research - Project 2 Latest


1: Synopsis The goal of the assignment is to analyse the impacts of weather events in economy and population.It was explored the NOAA Storm Database, covering the time period between 1950 and November 2011.For the impact of economics, we analyse...

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James Somers 7

Quiz 3 Latest


The data set is from a case-control study of smoking and Alzheimer’s disease. The data set has two variables of main interest: smoking a factor with four levels “None”, “<10”, “10-20”, and “>20” (cigarettes per day) disease a...

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