Daniel Marcelino 32
2014 Brazilian Election Latest
Election is coming soon in Brazil and this is told to be The Election for both the ruling party and the opposition. However, I don’t believe to see any surprise in the reelection plans of the incumbent president, Dilma Rousseff, though all past...
1777 sym 4 img
Jesé Arath Bonilla Chaparro 32
Prueba para publicar Latest
Generar una poblacion aleatoria Agregando algo nuevo, prueba jeje <3 uwu onichan sample(x = 0:4, size = 5,replace=FALSE) ## [1] 0 2 3 4 1...
88 sym
Analyses by Edneide Ramalho 32
Análise do questionário sobre câncer do colo do útero Latest
1 Classe Social Temos uma amostra de n = 1.314 respostas. Tabela: Distribuição das classes sociais: Porcentagem de pessoas em cada classe 2 Distribuição por estado Contagem de respondentes por estado Porcentagem de respondentes por...
6417 sym R (5205 sym/18 pcs) 5 img 2 tbl
R Bridge Homework #1 Latest
Question 1 result1 <- 1 for (x in 1:12) { result1 <- result1 * x } result1 Question 2 result2 <- seq(20, 50, by = 5) result2 Question 3 quadratic <- function(a, b, c) { result3_1 <- (-1*b + sqrt(b**2 - 4ac)) / 2 * a result3_2 <- (-1*b -...
327 sym
Daniel Ibrahim Rosales Gamboa 32
Prueba para publicar Latest
Prueba para publicar Titulo de segundo nivel Titulo de tercer nivel Ahora vamos a publicar este documento. Se tiene que instalar una libreria rpubs para publicar y luego registrarse en el servicio Generar una población aleatoria...
253 sym
Jaime Valenzuela 32
1_AIUC1 Latest
PRIMER EJERCICIO DE PROBABILIDAD Y ESTADISTICA: TABLAS, HISTOGRAMAS Y POLIGONOS DE DISTRIBUCIONES DE FRECUENCIA. *Este ejercicio usa datos de las normales climatologicas del periodo de 1951 a 2010 de Mazamitla, Jalisco Estos datos pueden ser...
2239 sym R (1184 sym/28 pcs) 7 img
grumble10 32
Using the rasterVis package for raster plotting (in R) Latest
Here is a post discussing the possibilities of the rasterVis package: under: R and Stat Tagged: R, raster Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog:...
547 sym 16 img
Seguros Latest
##importar la base de datos #file.choose() bd<-read.csv("C:\\Users\\AVRIL\\Downloads\\seguros.csv") #entender la base de datos summary(bd) ## ClaimID TotalPaid TotalReserves TotalRecovery ## Min. : 777632 Min....
1450 sym R (5844 sym/8 pcs)
civilstat 31
Spinner Doctor Latest
The setup Dan Meyer, a (former?) math teacher with some extraordinary ideas, has a nifty concept for teaching expected values: “So one month before our formal discussion of expected value, I’d print out this image, tack a spinner to it, and...
7082 sym R (1245 sym/7 pcs) 2 img
operator aritmatik dan fungsi aritmatik Latest
OPERATOR ARITMATIK Arvin Azaria Munsyi 29/09/2021 Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom Lembaga : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Jurusan : Teknik Informatika Fakultas : Sains dan Teknologi proses perhitungan akan...
2543 sym R (288 sym/30 pcs)