Exercise 5.7_10.12.2020 Presentation Latest
title: “Confidence Intervals for a Proportion - DATA 606 2020 Fall” author: “Evan McLaughlin” date: “10.14.2020” knitr::opts_chunk$set(eval = TRUE, results = FALSE, = "show", message = FALSE) library(tidyverse)...
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Daniel Iván Avina 32
Document Latest
Prueba para Publicar Titulo de segundo nivel Titulo de tercer nivel ahora vamos a publicar este documento. Se tiene que instalar una libreria rpubs para publicar luego registrarse en el servicio Generar una poblacion aleatoria...
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Max Gordon 32
R – some introductory material Latest
R is a statistical programming language and can be a little scary at first. I learned it during my first statistics class. While others used Stata, I decided to try if I could do the tasks in R. That was probably one of my best research-choices....
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Matt Bogard 32
Using R Latest
By Matt BogardAbstractR is a statistical programming language with a command line interface that is becoming more and more popular every day. I have used R for data visualization, data mining/machine learning, as well as social network...
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Autor 1 32
Opis RMarkdown Latest
To będzie test pierwszego akapitu gdzie Word zastosuje styl First Paragraph To jest tekst następnego akapitu gddzie Word zastosuje styl Tekst podstawowy UWAGA! Markdown ma problem jeżeli projekt jest zapisany na udziale sieciowym!! Jeżeli...
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Amber Ferger, Extended Part 2 - Maryluz Cruz 32
Tidyverse Assignment Part 2 - Extended Project Latest
Part 1 Original Tidyverse Assignment By Amber Ferger The Data: What Do Men Think It Means to be a Man? For this assignment, I decided to use the dataset that corresponds to the What Do Men Think It Means To Be A Man? article on...
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Ivanna Garza A01283759 32
Comandos Básicos Latest
Símbolos ^ ~ Asignación de Variables x <- 3 y <- 2 Impresión de Resultados x ## [1] 3 y ## [1] 2 Operaciones Aritméticas suma <- x+y suma ## [1] 5 resta <- x-y resta ## [1] 1 multiplicacion <- x*y multiplicacion ## [1] 6 division <- x/y...
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Lorraine Gaudio 32
ANTH 504 Class Notes Latest
Packages library(dslabs) library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.2 ── ## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.0 ✔...
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Jakob Gepp 32
Flowcharts of functions Latest
When you work on bigger R projects there comes a point when you may lose the overview of how your functions are connected. Or even worse: you get a large project and have to figure out what is actually happening! A possible remedy to this problem...
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