Publications by Matt Bogard
Using R
By Matt BogardAbstractR is a statistical programming language with a command line interface that is becoming more and more popular every day. I have used R for data visualization, data mining/machine learning, as well as social network analysis. Initially embraced largely in academia, R is becoming the software of choice in various co...
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R Code Examples
Data Mining in a Nutshell ‘neuralnet’ neural network estimation and visualizationVisualizing Agricultural Subsidies by KY County R Code For googleVis Data Visualization Related To leave a comment for the author, please follow the link and comment on their blog: Econometric Sense. offers daily e-mail updates about R new...
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Data Mining in A Nutshell
# The following code may look rough, but simply paste into R or# a text editor (especially Notepad++) and it will look# much better.# PROGRAM NAME: MACHINE_LEARNING_R# DATE: 4/19/2010# AUTHOR : MATT BOGARD# PURPOSE: BASIC EXAMPLES OF MACHINE LEARNING IMPLEMENTATIONS IN R# DATA USED: GENERATED VIA SIMULATION IN PROGRAM# COMMENTS: CODE ADA...
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R Code Example for Neural Networks
See also NEURAL NETWORKS. In this past June’s issue of R journal, the ‘neuralnet’ package was introduced. I had recently been familiar with utilizing neural networks via the ‘nnet’ package (see my post on Data Mining in A Nutshell) but I find the neuralnet package more useful because it will allow you to actually plot the ne...
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Visualizing Agricultural Subsidies by Kentucky County
In this post, I provide results from my first full blown application of R to read, merge, clean, subset, manipulate, analyze and visualize data related to agricultural subsidies by Kentucky counties. This is very similar to the work I do on a daily basis, and was a great test of the capabilities of doing these tasks open source with R. This i...
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R Code for googleVis Demo
# ——————————————————————# | PROGRAM NAME: googleVis_R# | DATE: 1/12/11 # | CREATED BY: Matt Bogard# | PROJECT FILE: # |—————————————————————-# | PURPOSE: Tutorial for creating Motion Charts in R with the GoogleVis package # |# |# | # ...
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R Code Documentation Template
# *------------------------------------------------------------------ # | PROGRAM NAME: # | DATE: # | CREATED BY: # | PROJECT FILE: # *---------------------------------------------------------------- # | PURPOSE: # | # *------------------------------------------------------------------ # | COMMENTS: ...
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Posted Question for R Users
I recently undertook a project where a colleague had about 12 .csv files that they wanted to merge. Each file had a common (key) variable ‘Partner’ (which is trading partner) with differing columns (variables) except for the common key variable. Actually, the first column (Partner) was the same in each data set, with each data set...
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Flexibility of R Graphics
(note scroll all the way down to see ‘old code’ and ‘new more flexible code’ Recall and older post that presented overlapping density plots using R (Visualizing Agricultural Subsidies by KY County) see image below.The code I used to produce this plot makes use of the rbind and data.frame functions (see below) library(colorspac...
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Merging Multiple Data Frames in R
Earlier I had a problem that required merging 3 years of trade data, with about 12 csv files per year. Merging all of these data sets with pairwise left joins using the R merge statement worked (especially after correcting some errors pointed out by Hadley Wickham However, in both my hobby hacking and on the job, I was curious if the...
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