PSY260_f2023_9999 Latest
How tired do you feel today? How happy are you today? How peaceful/calm are you feeling today? How overwhelmed are you feeling? How satisfied have you felt with life over the last 24 hours? How much did you think of your appearance today?...
857 sym 16 img
Ariann Chai 32
607_Assignment1 Latest
Overview The article and dataset I choose was 2019 Womens’ World Cup Predictions ( This article was used to predict the outcome of the 2019 Womens’ World Cup and to record...
1647 sym
Dimple K. Patel 32
HarvardX: PH125.1x Latest
Section 2.3 1. What is the sum of the first 100 positive integers? The formula for the sum of integers 1 through n is \(n(n+1)/2\). Define n=100 then use R to compute the sum of 11 through 100 using the formula. What is the sum? n<-100...
8115 sym R (15144 sym/106 pcs) 4 img
Luz Melo 32
Haiti’s Crisis and the Role of Data Equity Latest
Haiti’s Crisis and the Role of Data Equity Haiti’s Crisis and the Role of Data Equity Introduction: A Cursed Legacy Political Instability Economic Meltdown Healthcare and Child Mortality Gang Violence and Prisons...
19246 sym 1 img
Louis Schroll & Abdourahmane Diallo 32
Compte rendu TP MDET Latest
Importation des packages utiles rm(list=ls()) # Nettoyage de l'environnement # Liste des packages requis packages <- c("deSolve", "tidyverse", "rgl", "cowplot", "tidyr") # Vérification des packages installés for (i in packages) { if...
28274 sym R (12577 sym/11 pcs) 7 img
Farid Hassany Alba Monrreal 32
Prueba para publicar Latest
Titulo nivel 1 Titulo nivel 2 Titulo nivel 3 Probando el documento sample(5:20,10,replace =FALSE) ## [1] 5 20 17 13 8 19 15 10 6 11 sample(70:80,size = 20,replace = TRUE) ## [1] 78 77 78 80 79 78 79 79 78 71 76 73 73 77 80 74 76 79 77 79...
80 sym
Linh Nguyen 32
Codebook - SIBS 8282 Latest
Metadata Description Dataset name: SIBS dataset for EPSY 8282 longitudinal personality project Select data from the Sibling Interaction and Behavior Study (Minnesota Center For Twin and Family Research to be used in...
142999 sym R (147 sym/3 pcs) 62 img
heuristicandrew 32
SAS: “The query requires remerging summary statistics back with the original data” Latest
Coming from a background writing SQL code directly for “real” RDBMS (Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, and SQLite), I was initially confused when SAS would give me the following ‘note’ for a simple summary PROC SQL query: 429 proc sql; 430...
1577 sym R (2167 sym/3 pcs) 12 img
Hilmi Zuhri Adi Brata, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom 32
Operator dan Fungsi Aritmatik Latest
Mata kuliah: Kalkulus Jurusan:Teknik Informatika Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Operator Aritmatik Proses perhitungan akan ditangani oleh fungsi khusus. R akan memahami urutannya secara benar. Kecuali kita secara...
2086 sym R (766 sym/34 pcs)
Meng Ye 32
Interactive plots Latest
Task 1: Reflection This is a very interesting session that opens the door to the new world of interactive graphs. I consider session as a primer to different quite accessible ways to tools to achieve this end. Although I did not have the time to...
715 sym R (673 sym/3 pcs) 1 img