Publications by Linh Nguyen

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Results: Early Dating


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(brms) # longitudinal similarity library(rempsyc) # simple slopes analysis library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformatio...

1669 sym R (7292 sym/16 pcs) 47 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Results: Transition to Parenthood


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(brms) # longitudinal similarity library(rempsyc) # simple slopes analysis library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformatio...

1980 sym R (10532 sym/19 pcs) 1 img 67 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Supplemental: Transition to Parenthood


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(rempsyc) # simple slopes analysis library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model ...

3318 sym R (16429 sym/32 pcs) 3 img 80 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Descriptives: Transition to Parenthood


I. Meta-data In order to replicate this code file, two files are needed in the directory data/ttp/ found within the project directory: TTP Data Request.xlsx, TTP_Measure Summary.xlsx, and Phase 1 All Items.sav. R code associated with each code chunk can be viewed and hidden by toggling on Code on the top right of each output. knitr::opts_chun...

1295 sym R (39041 sym/70 pcs) 60 img 5 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Descriptives: Early Dating


I. Meta-Data In order to replicate this code file, the following files are needed in the directory data/yw/ found within the project directory: 50130_20110214.sav, 50130_2_20110214.sav, 50130_2_20110214.sav, and Survey Codes.xls. R code associated with each code chunk can be viewed and hidden by toggling on Code on the top right of each outpu...

1345 sym R (31504 sym/43 pcs) 16 img 21 tbl

Dynamic Assortative Mating - Analytic Results


knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE, message = FALSE, warning = FALSE) options(digits = 3) libraries <- c("here", # directory access "psych", # fisher's z "Hmisc", # correlation matrix "rio", # import export "tidyr", # long to wide ...

1276 sym Python (7756 sym/18 pcs) 1 img 15 tbl

Dynamic Assortative Mating - Exploratory Data Analysis


I. Meta-Data In order to replicate this code file, the following files are needed in the directory data/ found within the project directory: dict.xlsx, 2024-01-15/baseline_cleaned_2024-01-15.RDS, 2024-01-15/esm_cleaned_2024-01-15.RDS. R code associated with each code chunk can be viewed and hidden by toggling on Code on the top right of each ...

614 sym Python (19696 sym/29 pcs) 10 img 33 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Results: Transition to Parenthood


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(rempsyc) # simple slopes analysis library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model library...

3265 sym R (15581 sym/32 pcs) 3 img 56 tbl

Longitudinal Assortative Mating Results: Early Dating


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(rempsyc) # simple slopes analysis library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model library...

3233 sym R (12538 sym/29 pcs) 3 img 51 tbl

Meta-analysis: Personality traits and emotional variability


I. Meta-Data # list of loaded packages and versions si <- sessionInfo()[[9]] data.frame( Package = names(si), Version = t( %>% %>% select(ends_with("Version")) %>% as.character(), Source = t( %>% %>% select(ends_with("Repository")) %>% as.cha...

1602 sym R (47406 sym/114 pcs) 30 img 11 tbl