Publications by Linh Nguyen

Meta-analysis: Personality traits and emotional variability


I. Meta-Data # list of loaded packages and versions si <- devtools::session_info()[[2]] rownames(si) <- NULL si %>% select(package, loadedversion, date, source) %>% #red bold the called packages mutate(package = cell_spec( package, color = ifelse(package %in% libraries, "red", "black"), bold = ifelse(package %in% libr...

1259 sym R (32724 sym/93 pcs) 12 img 9 tbl

Dissertation Study Three Results: Early Dating


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model library(lmerTest) # linear mixed model sign...

3017 sym R (10329 sym/21 pcs) 3 img 18 tbl

Dissertation Study Three Descriptives: Early Dating


I. Meta-Data In order to replicate this code file, the following files are needed in the directory data/yw/ found within the project directory: 50130_20100409.sav, 50130_2_20100409.sav, 50130_3_20100409.sav, and current and cut participants.xlsx. R code associated with each code chunk can be viewed and hidden by toggling on Code on the top ri...

1119 sym R (26261 sym/26 pcs) 21 tbl

Dissertation Study Three Results: Transition to Parenthood


library(here) # for file directory library(tidyr) # for pivot_wider library(rio) # to load in data library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model library(lmerTest) # linear mixed model sign...

3052 sym R (12750 sym/24 pcs) 3 img 25 tbl

Dissertation Study Three Descriptives: Transition to Parenthood


I. Meta-data In order to replicate this code file, two files are needed in the directory data/ttp/ found within the project directory: TTP Data Request.xlsx and TTP_Measure Summary.xlsx. R code associated with each code chunk can be viewed and hidden by toggling on Code on the top right of each output. Future TODO: modularize the plotting func...

1136 sym R (75105 sym/68 pcs) 61 img 4 tbl

Dissertation Study Three Pre-registration: Longitudinal secondary data analysis


library(dplyr) # general wrangling library(tidyr) # pivot_wider library(Hmisc) # correlation matrix library(psych) # fisher's z transformation library(lme4) # linear mixed model Simulated Data For the preregistration, we are simulating purely random data with 3 waves of 60 couples X 2 = 120 participants to mi...

8787 sym R (30026 sym/20 pcs) 3 img 14 tbl

PSTEM Project: Study 1 Phase 1 Analytic Report


I. Meta This document includes the analytic report for Phase 1 of Study 1 in the STEM Research Experience Project, which is aimed at determining the nature and associations of different underlying components of STEM research experience. The preregistration document may be accessed here. # list of loaded packages and versions si <- devtools::ses...

2375 sym R (3802 sym/12 pcs) 1 img 2 tbl

P-STEM Wave 2 Target Codebook


I. Meta Data This codebook includes only quantitative scales. Qualitative responses collected for the following scales are not included here: Major/Career Pathway Narrative Deviation Narrative Pride Narrative Twenty Statements Test (Kuhn & McPartland, 1954) In addition, the following demographic data were collected but not shown here: Sexual ori...

1339 sym R (13132 sym/23 pcs) 28 img 1 tbl

P-STEM Wave 1 Target Codebook


I. Meta Data This codebook includes only quantitative scales. Qualitative responses collected for the following scales are not included here: Major/Career Pathway Narrative Twenty Statements Test (Kuhn & McPartland, 1954) # list of loaded packages and versions si <- devtools::session_info()[[2]] rownames(si) <- NULL si %>% select(package...

1304 sym R (15694 sym/25 pcs) 48 img 1 tbl

Statistical Power in Emerging Adulthood


I. Meta-data # list of loaded packages and versions si <- devtools::session_info()[[2]] rownames(si) <- NULL si %>% select(package, loadedversion, date, source) %>% #red bold the called packages mutate(package = cell_spec(package, color = ifelse(package %in% libraries, ...

934 sym R (14687 sym/19 pcs) 16 img 1 tbl