Daniel Pinedo 39
time series analysis in R Latest
Welcome to the course! Introduction Time Series: A sequence of data in chronological order. Data is commonly recorded sequentially, over time. Time series data is everywhere Time series data Time series data is dated or time stamped in R...
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ntguardian 39
How the House Makes a Profit: A R Shiny App for Explaining the Key Idea to Gambling Latest
As many of you may know, I teach statistics at the University of Utah. Below is a post about how industries based on chance events, such as casinos or insurance companies, are able to guarantee a profit. I have also included R code for a Shiny app...
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insightr 39
LASSO, adaLASSO and the GLMNET package Latest
By Gabriel Vasconcelos Motivation If you are close to the data science world you probably heard about LASSO. It stands for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator. The LASSO is a model that uses a penalization on the size of the...
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Minsik Kim 39
Assignment Latest
Before start, load the data rm(list=ls()) getwd() ## [1] "E:/Dropbox/Git/Reproducible2" list.files() ## [1] "code.R" "markdown.html" ## [3] "markdown.Rmd"...
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Daniela Zazueta D 39
COVID-19 en Baja California y Baja California sur Latest
#U1A7 setwd("~/PyE_206145") #Cargar las bibliotecas con el paquete pacman library(pacman) p_load(read,tidyverse,plotly,gganimate,gifsky) ## Installing package into 'C:/Users/Daniela Zazueta D/Documents/R/win-library/3.6' ## (as 'lib' is...
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Gregor Gorjanc 39 plays with cacheSweave Latest
I have added support for caching to script as implemented in cacheSweave R package written by Roger D. Peng. Now, one can set caching on for chunks that are time consuming (data import, some calculations, …) and the Sweaving process...
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Egon Willighagen 39
Further Bioclipse QSAR functionality development Latest
I had some time to work some more on the QSAR functionality in Bioclipse. There is still much to do, but it is getting there. The calculation of a QSAR descriptor data matrixThis screenshot shows that multi-resource selection is now...
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Amir Freund 39
Regression Tables using Stargazer Latest
Regression Tables & Plots Amir Freund 2023-01-12 This article aims to help TAU Political Science students to use R and Latex for creating and documenting their research. I focus on the use of stargazer and sjplot R packages to create regression...
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Cody Grube 39
Best Practice 1 Latest
Chapter 1 It’s Not Just about Forecasting The following are the key points in the chapter. Elaborate on each point in at least 30 words. Understanding economics can help you to diagnose the causes of increases or decreases in sales volumes...
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