
HW1 Latest


##Libraries library(plot3D) Problem 1a(i, ii, iii, iv) f <- function(x1, x2) { z = cos(x1 * x2) return(z) } h <- function(x1, x2) { z = 1 - ((pi^2)/8)*(x1^2) return(z) } x1vals <- seq(-pi/4, pi/4, length.out = 30) x2vals <- seq(pi/4,...

2812 sym R (3389 sym/11 pcs) 9 img

Jeremi heriyandi saudi (20214920008) 38

Algoritma dan struktur Data I Tugas 1 Latest


Email             : RPubs            : Jurusan          : Statistika Address         : ARA Center, Matana University Tower                         ...

12713 sym 3 img

Salma Elshahawy, Mael Illien, Dhairav Chhatbar 38

data607finalproject Latest


1 A Socio-Economic Investigation into Crime Presented by: Salma Elshahawy salma71 Dhairav Chhatbar dhairavc Mael Illien maelillien 1.1 Introduction This project provided us with the opportunity of showcasing many of the skills we have learned...

4845 sym R (1919 sym/11 pcs) 9 img 1 tbl

Intro to R & RStudio Latest


Aloha! Ready to learn how to use R? Let’s get started. Setting up R & RStudio before you start working First, let’s get a few things set up in RStudio: Click File > New File > R Script. This will open a new panel in the top left of your...

23244 sym R (3283 sym/32 pcs)

Box Integral - 8 Dimensions S:22 Latest


active sub-region: requires further sub-divisions to reach an error estimate and value that satisfy user’s input requirements value: the known integration result estimate: the estimated value of the integral, as returned by the program...

2874 sym 6 img 1 tbl

Crime in Toronto, Part 1: Data cleaning, initial analysis, and univariate analysis Latest


In this post, the Toronto crime data set (167525 records and 29 variables) is explored. The package tidyverse is used to wrangle the data. Finding 47 rows with missing values. Removing all of rows containing missing values as these rows are not...

9833 sym R (33356 sym/123 pcs) 11 img

Marjete 38

Data 607.Hw3 Latest


#1. Using the 173 majors listed in’s College Majors dataset [], provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or...

1953 sym R (3172 sym/18 pcs)

Hong Ooi 38

Introducing the dplyrXdf package Latest


The dplyr package is a popular toolkit for data transformation and manipulation. Over the last year and a half, dplyr has become a hot topic in the R community, for the way in which it streamlines and simplifies many common data manipulation...

9280 sym R (4087 sym/6 pcs)

Barbosa, Roberto de Jesus 38

Document Latest


Elementos Básicos Explicações O RMarkdown é uma parte do R que permite a formatação de textos. Uma de suaS vantagens é que este programa permite a inserção de ; GRÁFICOS FIGURAS TABELAS SOBRESCRITO 5.SUBSCRITO CÓDIGOS DO R...

779 sym R (5895 sym/2 pcs) 1 img

Reni_Amelia 38



#install.packages("tidyverse") #install.packages("ggpubr") #install.packages("sjPlot") #install.packages("fBasics") #install.packages("lmtest") #install.packages("car") library(tidyverse) ## -- Attaching packages...

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