Jason Timm 40
a census-based approach to spanish language maintenance Latest
Census nuts/bolts New Mexico & the US Some macro-exploration A simple model Some final notes References In this post we investigate Spanish language maintenance within Hispanic communities in the US utilizing data from the US Census. Spanish...
10146 sym R (6869 sym/16 pcs) 4 img
Written by DK WC 40
Quantifying Transnational Climate Impact Exposure: Adaptation Without Borders Latest
Code Show All Hide All Quantifying Transnational Climate Impact Exposure: Adaptation Without Borders 1 Objectives: 2 view assumptions / parameters 3 compile data and calculate TCI scores 3.1 code/0_getData.R 3.2 code/1_uncertainty.R 3.3...
1555 sym R (18262 sym/5 pcs) 9 img
Ivan Moreno Galindo 40
Hola Mundo MarkDown Latest
Es un archivo markdown Es un sub ebcabezado de segundo nivel Es un subencabezado de tercer nivel Es un subencabezado de cuarto nivel Texto libre, aqui puede ir lo que deseamos escribir, tal vez como descricion o interpretacion de os casos a...
264 sym
mark 40
A multidimensional “which” function Latest
update Henrik Bengtsson commented that which(x, arr.ind=TRUE) gives the same result, rendering the blog below academic (thanks for the comment!). So, for academic interest, I’ll leave it. In my defense, I implemented this kind of functionality...
2899 sym R (934 sym/4 pcs) 6 img 4 tbl
Maulidya Rahmah, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom 40
Pengertian dan Jenis-Jenis Operator Aritmatika Latest
Lembaga: “Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang” Fakultas: “Sains dan Teknologi” Jurusan: “Teknik Informatika” Pengertian Operator Aritmatika Berdasarkan situs Study, operator aritmatika dalam pemrograman adalah bagian...
740 sym R (488 sym/12 pcs)
Sapta Hastho Ponco 40
Document Latest
Load Packages pacman::p_load(haven, car, dplyr, tidyr, survey, janitor, magrittr, ggplot2) Setting Working Directory setwd("D:\\RSE Direct R\\") Load Dataset kor23gab <- read_sav("KOR23GAB_2609.sav") Selected Unit Analysis Indikator Rumah Layak...
3876 sym 1 img
Reginaldo Gusmão 40
Pergunta 3 - Estresse oxidativo - Fragmentos Latest
Estresse oxidativo - Frgamentos Estresse oxidativo - Frgamentos Estresse oxidativo 1. Frgamentos Reginaldo Gusmão 2024-07-26 Estresse oxidativo Dados figado campanha especie sitio_amostral sod cat gst pc mda...
2507 sym 40 img 23 tbl
Sheila G Ramirez Murillo 40
Objetivo Identificar datos de población y muestra. Descripción Se cargan datos de un archivo que representa una población de jugadores de fútbol a nivel mundial y se extraen muestras que permiten observar algunos estadísticos. Las variables...
5049 sym R (5802 sym/58 pcs)
Test Latest
R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document...
598 sym 1 img
R on msperlin 40
Package GetDFPData Latest
Financial statements of companies traded at B3 (formerly Bovespa), the Brazilian stock exchange, are available in its website. Accessing the data for a single company is straightforward. In the website one can find a simple interface for accessing...
6087 sym R (13394 sym/13 pcs) 2 img 1 tbl