Adam Gersowitz 41
MSDS Bridge R HW 1 Latest
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) #1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial #NOTE: Would replace 1:12 with 1:n and uncomment lines 19 and 25 to base the factorial on input #n = as.integer(readline(prompt="Input number: ")) f = 1 for(x...
5 sym R (1330 sym/13 pcs)
Aisha Dwi Anindita Radianto, Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom 41
Operator Artimatika Latest
Dosen Pengampu : Prof. Dr. Suhartono, M.Kom Lembaga : Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang Fakultas : Sains dan Teknologi Jurusan : Teknik Informatika NIM : 210605110058 2.1 Operator Aritmatika Operasi aritmatika dasar adalah...
1334 sym R (94 sym/14 pcs)
diffuseprior 40
Web-Scraping in R Latest
Web-scraping, or web-crawling, sounds like a seedy activity worthy of an Interpol investigative department. The reality, however, is far less nefarious. Web-scraping is any procedure by which someone extracts data from the internet. Given that...
2562 sym R (1496 sym/3 pcs) 18 img
Prediction model for IHDS ASER Latest
Summary This notebook uses machine learning to assess whether household variables would be useful in imputing learning outcomes data. In particular, I attempt to build a model to predict ASER scores and then test these predictions on a held out...
4929 sym R (1288 sym/7 pcs)
Ashish Kumar 40
Data605-Week1 Latest
data-605-week1-Assignment Ashish Kumar 01/30/2020 Problem set 1 You can think of vectors representing many dimensions of related information. For instance, Netflix might store all the ratings a user gives to movies in a vector. This is clearly a...
2934 sym R (1055 sym/13 pcs)
Adam Barnas 40
Rensink Mudsplash Latest
1 Set up R environment library(tidyverse) library(ggplot2) library(ggpubr) library(plyr) library(magick) library(png) library(EBImage) Set the R working drectory to the main experiment directory. setwd("/Users/adambarnas/Box/Mudsplash/Results")...
4814 sym R (15294 sym/43 pcs) 11 img
Test1-RMB Latest
#This Stack Requires: # 1. Docker # 2. Jupyter # 3. Selenium # 4. RSelenium #Practically, I wanted to set up the basics of a set for a predictor that links the year, the content, and the 3rd party views on youtube. #I wanted to practice...
31 sym R (10453 sym/26 pcs)
Christopher Bloome 40
607W1 - Women's World Cup Win Probability Latest
Introduction: In 2018, the American Women’s National Soccer Team entered the World Cup as one of two favorites - both host nation France and the USA were seen as likely eventual champions. The team at FiveThirtyEight tracked the probability that...
3186 sym R (589 sym/5 pcs) 1 tbl
Presentation_p2 Latest
Compras en linea antes y durante la pandemia Objetivo Determinar si las compras en linea han incrementado o disminuido antes y durante la pandemia Reconocer cuales son los negocios mas beneficiados por las compras en linea Importancia...
2074 sym R (494 sym/17 pcs) 8 img
Jay Lee 40
W1RAssignment Latest
R Question 1: for/while loop #Answer of Q1 for loop n<-1 for (x in 1:13) #from 1 to 13 { n<-n*x } print(n) ## [1] 6227020800 #Answer of Q1 while loop f <-1 i <-1 while (i<=12) { i<-i+1 f <-f*i } print (f) ## [1] 6227020800 R...
193 sym R (1096 sym/15 pcs)