Text analytics for whatsapp chats. Data analysis for JoLA Latest
Authors: Duzhin Fedor, Tan Joo Seng, Tan Siew Eng Preparation and reading data We have collected raw whatsapp chats of student teams in four courses, two in business and two in mathematics. For each course, we have a directory with all chats...
7005 sym R (17553 sym/26 pcs) 20 img
setup Latest
Table of contents 1 Introduction 1.1 Quarto 1.2 Running Code 1.3 Reproducible Reports with Quarto and R Markdown Setup 1 Introduction 1.1 Quarto Quarto enables you to weave together content and executable code into a finished document. To learn...
2296 sym 1 img
Rstats on Julia Silge 52
Measuring Gobbledygook Latest
In learning more about text mining over the past several months, one aspect of text that I’ve been interested in is readability. A text’s readability measures how hard or easy it is for a reader to read and understand what a text...
923 sym
Tony 52
Dynamic Modeling 1: Linear Difference Equations Latest
(This is the first in a series on the use of Graph Algebraic models for Social Science.) Linear Difference models are a hugely important first step in learning Graph Algebraic modeling. That said, linear difference equations are a completely...
4928 sym R (373 sym/1 pcs) 8 img
William Aiken 52
Data607 HW1 William Aiken Latest
Overview This is a further exploration of the halloween candy dataset taken from the fivethirtyeight article "The Ultimate Halloween Candy Power Ranking" link to The Ulitmate Halloween Candy Power Ranking In this article they explored the...
1148 sym R (1372 sym/4 pcs) 3 tbl
R on Gianluca Baio 52
Our new R package Latest
As part of the work she’s doing for her PhD, Christina has done some (fairly major, I’d say!) review of the literature about prevalence studies on PCOS $-$ that’s a rather serious, albeit probably fair to say quite under-researched area....
2435 sym 2 img
Lisa Szydziak 52
HW1 R bridge 121720 Latest
#1. Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial r<-2 fact<-1 for (i in 1:12) { fact<-fact*(r-1) r<-r+1 } print(fact) ## [1] 479001600 #2. Show how to create a numeric vector that contains the sequence from 20 to 50 by 5....
724 sym R (496 sym/6 pcs)
TP 52
Zabici w wypadkach w PL Latest
Dane (dzienne) są pobierane ze strony,Informacja-dzienna.html. Zamieniane na format CSV. Plik ppw.csv zawiera dane tygodniowe dotyczące liczby wypadków i zabitych Dane dla roku 2008 są szczątkowe, więc...
709 sym 5 img
step1 Latest
title: “Pierre G” author: “MALLAH Siham” date: “01/06/2021” output: pdf_document: default html_document: default word_document: default D explanatory sexeM 0.32 (0.09-1.16, p=0.078) tabacNon 0.83 (0.21-3.18, p=0.788) tabacOui 0.18...
205 sym 18 tbl
Ivan Lizarazo 52
Landsat Image Exploration Latest
Introduction This is an R Markdown Notebook which illustrates and extends instructions from the tutorial on remote sensing image analysis written by Aniruddha Ghosh and Robert J. Hijmans. In the original tutorial Ghosh and Hijmans describe how to...
8309 sym R (9697 sym/80 pcs) 10 img