
COVID Latest


Muertes COVID 19 Chile Gráfico 1...

44 sym

ISR Dashboard Latest


ISR Dashboard Overall Row Note This section domonstrates the overall health of the four largest economies in the world by calculating the averages Z-score of all economic aspects in the next section. The higher the Z-score, the more healthy...

5840 sym

Arvind Sharma 50

Summary Statistics, Base R plot Latest


Read this help file for R Markdown. 1 Set Up Clear all environments. Installing and loading all the libraries. Make sure you have the libraries installed. 2 Import Data Now, I will import my data. Make sure you comment out or exclude or do not...

1151 sym Python (5208 sym/17 pcs) 3 img

Sascha W. 50

Let’s go! (and Disclaimer) Latest


Let’s get that started …Fun stuff with R coming soon!Disclaimer beforehand:The analyses I’ll present are not meant to be taken too seriously in a scientific way. I just wanna show what you can do with R as a programming language, basic...

989 sym

Descriptive Analytics: Gapminder Interactive Dashboard Latest


Gapminder Interactive Dashboard Column Chart A: Evolution of GDP / capita by Continent from 1952 until 2007 Column Chart B: Life Expectancy by Continent Chart C: GDP / capita by Continent...

241 sym

DAMB Bedrijf L Latest


1 Descriptieve data 1.1 Algemeen Deze jaaranalyse werd berekend op basis van alle gegevens van koeien (187) die gekalfd zijn tussen 2020-08-15 en 2021-08-09. Van de 187 gekalfde dieren dieren (44 vaarzen, 41 tweedekalfs en 109 koeien die meer...

4389 sym R (114 sym/2 pcs) 22 img 3 tbl

Sin Ying Wong 50

Data 606 - Hw9 - Multiple and Logistic Regression Latest


Baby weights, Part I. (9.1, p. 350) The Child Health and Development Studies investigate a range of topics. One study considered all pregnancies between 1960 and 1967 among women in the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in the San Francisco East Bay...

8710 sym R (839 sym/4 pcs) 2 img

Shirin's playgRound 50

exprAnalysis package Latest


I created the R package exprAnalysis designed to streamline my RNA-seq data analysis pipeline. Below you find the vignette for installation and usage of the package. This package combines functions from various packages used to analyze and...

16894 sym R (20934 sym/50 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl

Week1Assignment Latest


#1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial findfactorial <-function(n){ factorial <-1 if ((n==0)|(n==1)) factorial <-1 else{ for(i in 1:n) factorial <- factorial * i } return (factorial) } findfactorial(12)...

313 sym

Introduction to Splines Latest


Splines We will need the following libraries. # see library(rsconnect) library(splines2) library(data.table) A set of vectors in a vector space is called a basis if you can reach any point in the...

3819 sym R (2913 sym/13 pcs) 5 img