ISR Dashboard Latest
ISR Dashboard Overall Row Note This section domonstrates the overall health of the four largest economies in the world by calculating the averages Z-score of all economic aspects in the next section. The higher the Z-score, the more healthy...
5840 sym
Arvind Sharma 50
Summary Statistics, Base R plot Latest
Read this help file for R Markdown. 1 Set Up Clear all environments. Installing and loading all the libraries. Make sure you have the libraries installed. 2 Import Data Now, I will import my data. Make sure you comment out or exclude or do not...
1151 sym Python (5208 sym/17 pcs) 3 img
Sascha W. 50
Let’s go! (and Disclaimer) Latest
Let’s get that started …Fun stuff with R coming soon!Disclaimer beforehand:The analyses I’ll present are not meant to be taken too seriously in a scientific way. I just wanna show what you can do with R as a programming language, basic...
989 sym
Descriptive Analytics: Gapminder Interactive Dashboard Latest
Gapminder Interactive Dashboard Column Chart A: Evolution of GDP / capita by Continent from 1952 until 2007 Column Chart B: Life Expectancy by Continent Chart C: GDP / capita by Continent...
241 sym
DAMB Bedrijf L Latest
1 Descriptieve data 1.1 Algemeen Deze jaaranalyse werd berekend op basis van alle gegevens van koeien (187) die gekalfd zijn tussen 2020-08-15 en 2021-08-09. Van de 187 gekalfde dieren dieren (44 vaarzen, 41 tweedekalfs en 109 koeien die meer...
4389 sym R (114 sym/2 pcs) 22 img 3 tbl
Sin Ying Wong 50
Data 606 - Hw9 - Multiple and Logistic Regression Latest
Baby weights, Part I. (9.1, p. 350) The Child Health and Development Studies investigate a range of topics. One study considered all pregnancies between 1960 and 1967 among women in the Kaiser Foundation Health Plan in the San Francisco East Bay...
8710 sym R (839 sym/4 pcs) 2 img
Shirin's playgRound 50
exprAnalysis package Latest
I created the R package exprAnalysis designed to streamline my RNA-seq data analysis pipeline. Below you find the vignette for installation and usage of the package. This package combines functions from various packages used to analyze and...
16894 sym R (20934 sym/50 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl
Week1Assignment Latest
#1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial findfactorial <-function(n){ factorial <-1 if ((n==0)|(n==1)) factorial <-1 else{ for(i in 1:n) factorial <- factorial * i } return (factorial) } findfactorial(12)...
313 sym
Introduction to Splines Latest
Splines We will need the following libraries. # see library(rsconnect) library(splines2) library(data.table) A set of vectors in a vector space is called a basis if you can reach any point in the...
3819 sym R (2913 sym/13 pcs) 5 img