Carlos Gómez 54
Hello! I hope you are in good health as well as your family in these times of pandemic. SYNOPSIS In this study we are going to analyze the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Storm Database. The main objective with...
4741 sym R (4875 sym/23 pcs) 2 img
Dan Kelley Blog/R 54
Moon phase calculation Latest
The illuminated fraction of the moon can be calculated with moonAngle() in the oce package, as illustrated graphically and in R code below. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7library(oce) par(mar=c(3, 3, 1, 1), mgp=c(2, 0.7, 0)) # tighten margins t <-...
726 sym R (418 sym/4 pcs) 2 img 2 tbl
Benjamin Smith 54
RvsPython #5.1: Making the Game even with Python’s Best Practices Latest
Well, it turns out that my last blog that R was over 220 times faster than Python got a lot of (constructive) criticism saying that I wasn’t using “best practices” with Python, which was why my Python code was so slow. This is a totally...
3481 sym R (3312 sym/5 pcs) 2 img
Josh Iden 54
DATA 607 HW2 Latest
Introduction I chose six recent films and asked five friends to rate each of the movies they had seen from a scale of 1 to 5. This project follows the collection of that information and it’s migration to R for further analysis. Collecting The...
1709 sym Python (2419 sym/12 pcs)
Jen Richmond 53
3 three things Latest
3 things II how to make Rstudio forget how to customise the look of Rstudio how to use the package tab 3 things III how to customise quadrants how to explore the function that are in a package how to publish to RPubs...
238 sym
Kyle Kenneth Ruaya 53
Second Data Output Latest
Data library(readxl) ## Warning: package 'readxl' was built under R version 4.1.3 data2 <- read_excel("D:/data2.xlsx") ## New names: ## * `` -> `...3` ## * `` -> `...4` ## * `` -> `...5` ## * `` -> `...6` ## * `` -> `...7` ## * `` -> `...8`...
476 sym R (8272 sym/62 pcs) 4 img
inkhorn82 53
Sampling and the Analysis of Big Data Latest
After my last post, I came across a few articles supporting the opinion that if you have a good reason to take random samples from a “big” dataset, you’re not committing some kind of sin: Big Data Blasphemy: Why Sample? To Sample or Not to...
961 sym 16 img
mikerspencer 53
Scottish winter weather Latest
Following on from my previous post about September weather, it seems appropriate (for my research and blog) to look at winter weather specifically for Scotland. This post again uses Met Office data. I plan to use this to help predict snow cover in...
838 sym 6 img
Andika Putri Ratnasari (G1501211018) 53
Penerapan package dplyr dan magrittr Latest
TUGAS RESPONSI SAINS DATA Andika Putri Ratnasari (G1501211018) 2021-08-30 DATA Datasets yang akan digunakan yaitu data EuStockMarket dari library datasets yang merupakan data Indeks Harga Saham (Germany DAX (Ibis), Switzerland SMI, France CAC,...
2333 sym R (4465 sym/29 pcs)
Euthymios Kasvikis 53
Building Shiny App exercises part 1 Latest
INTRODUCTION TO SHINY Shiny is a package from RStudio that can be used to build interactive web pages with RStudio which is is an open source set of integrated tools designed to help you be more productive with R and you can download it from here....
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