PirateGrunt 58
Pro Football Data Latest
I’ve made the acquaintance of a group of data analysts here in the triangle and have agreed to arrange an outing to the Durham Bulls minor league baseball team. Because it’s for stat nerds and because I was curious, I went looking for some...
2022 sym R (1412 sym/1 pcs) 4 img
Jonathan Carroll 57
Adelaide Traffic – Part I Latest
Have you seen the little shark-fins on top of some traffic light control boxes? Have you seen the new ‘x minutes to y road‘ signs? Did you know they’re connected? DPTI installed a heap of bluetooth sensors around Adelaide and they capture...
1292 sym 2 img
Vinayak Kamath 57
R_BrdgWrkshp_Week1_Quiz_HTML Latest
1. Create a vector that contains 20 numbers: data.set <- c(5:13, 10:15, 3:6, 20) data.set ## [1] 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 10 11 12 13 14 15 3 4 5 6 20 length(data.set) ## [1] 20 2. Convert the vector from 1 into a character vector:...
1441 sym R (3570 sym/38 pcs)
Dr Jens Roeser 57
Model evaluation Latest
Model evaluation and violations Dr Jens Roeser Learning outcomes After completing this lecture, the workshop and your own reading you should be able to … explain what residuals are. run regression models with categorical predictors. evaluate...
8407 sym R (1781 sym/32 pcs) 44 img 9 tbl
Yina Qiao 57
Lab 1: Intro to R Latest
install.packages("tidyverse") install.packages("openintro") library(tidyverse) library(openintro) data('arbuthnot', package='openintro') arbuthnot ## # A tibble: 82 × 3 ## year boys girls ## <int> <int> <int> ## 1 1629 5218 4683 ## 2...
3102 sym
Chunjie Nan 57
DATA 624 HW1 Latest
Please submit exercises 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.6 from the Hyndman online Forecasting book. Please submit both your Rpubs link as well as attach the .rmd file with your code. 2.1 Use the help function to explore what the series gold, woolyrnq and gas...
3567 sym R (2839 sym/55 pcs) 31 img
Devin Teran 57
Assignment1 - 02.02.2020 - Devin Teran Latest
Halloween Candy Analysis Overview: Article can be found at: This article analyzes the most popular halloween candy based on an internet survey. The...
1391 sym R (2901 sym/8 pcs)
Gabriella Martinez 56
DATA 607 HW 1 Latest
Super Bowl Advertisements Overview With the super bowl around the corner, the data set “superbowl -ads” from fivethirtyeight delves into the top ten brands with the most advertisements run...
1061 sym R (1580 sym/2 pcs) 1 img
DATA607 Week1 Assignment Latest
Introduction The article describes an approach to ranking NLF teams over time. The method used was to calculate the ELO ranking for every game in NFL history. library(devtools) ## Loading required package: usethis library(RCurl) library(plyr)...
441 sym R (374 sym/4 pcs) 1 img
Shafira Halmahera 56
Percobaan Rpubs Latest
Operasi Pengurangan Pengurangan adalah operasi aritmetika yang mewakili operasi menghapus objek dari koleksi. Pengurangan ditandai dengan tanda minus, −. Misalnya, pada gambar di sebelahnya, 5 − 2 buah persik—artinya 5 buah persik dengan 2...
322 sym R (35 sym/2 pcs)