Amber Ferger 53
DATA 607: Assignment 12 - Graph Databases Latest
Assignment For this assignment, you should take information from a relational database and migrate it to a NoSQL database of your own choosing. For the relational database, you might use the flights database, the tb database, the “data skills”...
2636 sym R (2295 sym/16 pcs)
Andrew Bowen 53
Andrew Bowen DATA607 HW #3 Latest
Homework Assignment 3: DATA607 library('dplyr') ## ## Attaching package: 'dplyr' ## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from 'package:base': ## ## intersect,...
1195 sym R (23847 sym/21 pcs)
Dylan Kinion 53
Offensive roles Latest
The classic 5 positions have long been inadequate for classifying and grouping players, and other common methods like guard, wing, big are far too simplistic. So what I would like to do is categorize players by their actual roles on either end of...
1722 sym R (10473 sym/38 pcs) 6 img
Tarea 1 R_ errores comunes Latest
Tarea 1. Códigos de R: Errores comunes El propósito de la tarea no es que puedan hacer perfectamente los códigos. Al principio les va a dar muchos errores; de eso se trata. El asunto es ver por qué les está dando error. Con estos sitios...
741 sym R (232 sym/10 pcs) 1 img
Glen Dale Davis 53
R_Bridge_Week_1_Assignment Latest
Part 1 Write a loop that calculates 12-factorial. input <- 12 # Stores number for which factorial should be calculated series <- 1:input # Creates vector of integers from 1 to said number for (i in series){ if (i == 1){ #We're at the...
333 sym Python (1002 sym/6 pcs)
Beni Stocker 53
LUE calculations Latest
Evaluate light use efficiency. Daily data Gather data and create one nice data frame with daily data. if (!exists("out_eval_ORG")) load("./calib_results/out_eval_ORG.Rdata") if (!exists("out_eval_FULL"))...
993 sym R (17438 sym/63 pcs) 17 img
R on Gianluca Baio 52
Our new R package Latest
As part of the work she’s doing for her PhD, Christina has done some (fairly major, I’d say!) review of the literature about prevalence studies on PCOS $-$ that’s a rather serious, albeit probably fair to say quite under-researched area....
2435 sym 2 img
Rstats on Julia Silge 52
Measuring Gobbledygook Latest
In learning more about text mining over the past several months, one aspect of text that I’ve been interested in is readability. A text’s readability measures how hard or easy it is for a reader to read and understand what a text...
923 sym
Tony 52
Dynamic Modeling 1: Linear Difference Equations Latest
(This is the first in a series on the use of Graph Algebraic models for Social Science.) Linear Difference models are a hugely important first step in learning Graph Algebraic modeling. That said, linear difference equations are a completely...
4928 sym R (373 sym/1 pcs) 8 img