Publications by R on Gianluca Baio

Our new R package


As part of the work she’s doing for her PhD, Christina has done some (fairly major, I’d say!) review of the literature about prevalence studies on PCOS $-$ that’s a rather serious, albeit probably fair to say quite under-researched area. When it came to analysing the data she had collected, naturally I directed her towards doing some Bayesi...

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More on stepped wedge


A couple of months back I talked at the launch of the Trial series on the Stepped Wedge Designed, on which I have worked together with a number of colleagues at UCL and LSHTM. Jennifer, who’s one of the authors of the series and is doing her PhD on this topic, has also posted on the LSTHM blog to report her impressions of the day (all of which ...

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The guide


Before and over the Christmas break, Christina and I have done some more work on our bmeta package, which I’ve already mentioned in another post, here $-$ well, to be fair, Christina has done most of the work; I was being annoying suggesting changes to the maths formatting and thinking about potential new plots or additions just one second afte...

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I will survive!


Here’s a very long post, to make up for the recent silence on the blog… Lately, I’ve been working on a new project involving the use of survival analysis data and results, specifically for health economic evaluation (cue Cake’s rendition below). I have to say I’m not really a massive expert on survival analysis, in the sense that it’...

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I’ve finally managed to have a reasonably functional release for SWSamp, my package for simulation-based sample size calculations, specifically (but not necessarily just!) for a Stepped Wedge design trial. There are still a few details that we need to polish and more importantly we need to work on the documentation, which is not great, at the m...

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Short course on Statistical Methods for the Value of Information Analysis


We’re now ready to start the advertisement for our short course on Statistical Methods for the Value of Information Analysis (I’ve posted about this here). The course will be at UCL from the 8th to the 9th of June, later this year. I think we have been lucky to secure some funding and so it will be relatively cheap $-$ it’s also convenientl...

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How to be Bayesian and spare yourself a dreadful afternoon with your stupid football team losing the derby


Yesterday was the second-last game of the Italian Serie A; I’ve been a Sampdoria supported since I was 12 \(-\) at that time, they were starting to become one of the best clubs in Serie A (and that was back in the 80’s when Serie A was arguably the best league in the world), although they hadn’t won anything and didn’t have prospects for ...

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BCEA 2.2-3 is out


I think the newest release of BCEA, our R package to standardise and post-process the output of a health economic model, is now available from CRAN $-$ in fact, the source code is also available here. The package is rather stable, so the changes aren’t many, but the few ones are quite substantial, I think. In particular, we’ve now modified th...

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Finish line (nearly)


We are very close to the finish line $-$ that’s being able to finally submit the BCEA book to the editor (Springer). This has been a rather long journey, but I think the current version (I dread using the word “final” just yet…) is very good, I think. We’ve managed to respond to all the reviewers’ comments, which to be fair were rathe...

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Shiny happy people in the land of the Czar


During the summer, we’ve worked silently but relentlessly to set up a departmental server that could run R-Shiny applications. There’s a bunch of us in the department doing work on R and producing packages and so we thought it’d be a good idea to disseminate our research. Which is just as well, as I’ve been nominated “2020 REF Impact Cz...

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