Seguros Latest
Importar la base de datos #file bd <-read.csv("/Users/danielbravo/Desktop/Manipulación de Datos/Sesión 2/Bases de Datos/seguros.csv") summary(bd) ## ClaimID TotalPaid TotalReserves TotalRecovery ## Min. : 777632...
1496 sym R (10633 sym/9 pcs)
Reporte 09042020 Latest
Actualizado al día 09 abr. 2020 (fecha epidemiológica) Grupo DataCovid - Departamento de Salud Pública PUC Fuente de información internacional: WHO Fuentes de información chilena Fuentes Oficiales de Chile web...
1882 sym 26 img
Clase 01 junio 2020 Latest
Notebook actualizado al 04-junio-2020 Video: Comienza en 11:03. Clase 01 junio 2020: Queries tipo SQL & expresión diferencial: Descargar y descomprimir la base de datos library(GEOquery) library(SRAdb) library(DBI)...
1336 sym R (36969 sym/82 pcs) 3 img
ALL IMPORTED FILES MUST BE IN THE SAME DIRECTORY AS THIS SCRIPT Load tidyverse package library("tidyverse") Import raw vcf data from “masterfile” (vcf file output from alignment, variant caller and annotation pipeline- available from authors...
74663 sym R (50262 sym/35 pcs)
Dylan Putzlocker 17
My First Publication Latest
Q1 What is R? R is a form of coding that is used to make presenting data and analayzeing less complex. Q2 What is RStudio? RStudio is a platform where R is used specificly for people to upload their work or recive feedback from others. Q3 What...
528 sym
Document Latest
#Clase 5 MArzo ### requiere paquete "RStoolbox" ## requiere paquete: sp library(RStoolbox) library(raster) ## Loading required package: sp library(kableExtra) library(knitr) qa <- raster(ncol = 100, nrow = 100, val = sample(1:2^14, 10000))...
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ellbur 17
Rearranging definitions in R Latest
I came up with a handy little trick for programming in R. I like to define a lot of variables all at once without worrying about what order they’re in. The goal would be something like this: K = -R2/R1 Wc = 1/(R2*C) R1 = 4.7e+3 R2 = 4.7e+3 C ...
2157 sym R (1173 sym/6 pcs) 16 img
Eleonora Minaeva 17
LM, MLM and diagnostics Latest
Пакеты library(ggplot2) library(sjPlot) ## Learn more about sjPlot with 'browseVignettes("sjPlot")'. library(car) ## Loading required package: carData ## Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'car': ## method from...
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Bin He 17
Learning how to cluster gene expression data Latest
library(tidyverse) Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'dbplyr': method from print.tbl_lazy print.tbl_sql ── Attaching packages...
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Markov Chain example in R Latest
library(expm) ## Loading required package: Matrix ## ## Attaching package: 'expm' ## The following object is masked from 'package:Matrix': ## ## expm library(markovchain) ## Package: markovchain ## Version: ## Date:...
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