Publications by Bin He

E041 SYTO9+PI vs PI alone, 2024-01-24


Background This is the flow cytometry data for miglog phase Cg stained with PI/PI+SYTO9/ SYTO+PI in different staining orders, and run through flow cytometry (details in ELN). The goal is to establish FungaLight’s distinguishing power with different staining protocols. require(tidyverse) require(flowCore) require(flowClust) require(openCyto) requ...

20578 sym Python (9816 sym/31 pcs) 20 img



require(tidyverse) Loading required package: tidyverse ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────�...

27234 sym Python (8573 sym/12 pcs) 11 img 1 tbl



require(tidyverse) require(cowplot) Goal After determining that I can take the cells directly from the media to the flow cytometer, by diluting them in the original media or just PBS, I decided to repeat the previous experiment, this time dropping the endogenous set (in retrospect should have kept them in) and added newly obtained plasmid-Pho4-GFP...

22785 sym 5 img



require(tidyverse) require(cowplot) Introduction Goal Plotting ASR data for Fig. 1, S1, … Data Jinye’s table goes here Read in data tmp <- read_tsv("../input/20220726-ASR-CFU-raw.tsv", col_types = cols(), comment = "#") raw <- read_csv("../input/20221224-ASR-CFU-raw.csv", col_types = cols(), comment = "#") %>% mutate(Date = gsub("d(\\d\\d...

52793 sym Python (27509 sym/107 pcs) 10 img 11 tbl

Learning how to cluster gene expression data


library(tidyverse) Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'dbplyr': method from print.tbl_lazy print.tbl_sql ── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.0 ── ✓ ggplot2 3.3.2 ✓ purrr 0.3.4 ✓ tibble 3.0.1 ✓ dplyr ...

32064 sym R (10114 sym/48 pcs) 17 img

BLAST search to identify homologs for XP_028889033


This analysis accompanies the BLAST search to identify homologs for XP_028889033 suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(tidyverse)) # install rentrez package if not already installed if (!requireNamespace("rentrez", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("rentrez") suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rentrez)) # set NCBI Entrez API key set_entr...

80730 sym R (27304 sym/53 pcs) 10 img

20201223 repeat flow cytometry for Pho4-GFP


require(tidyverse) require(cowplot) Goal This is to repeat the 2020-12-21 experiment. Material and methods See gDoc. This time I reverted to one o/n growth. The second growth was done in the 96-well clear plate (not deep well). Cells were directly diluted into PBS and run on the flow cytometer. Table of strains Data and analysis Import data ...

22793 sym R (4823 sym/7 pcs) 10 img

20201215 Pho4-GFP integration with PHO5pr-mCherry test


require(tidyverse) require(cowplot) Goal Testing the brightness of Pho4-GFP (mNeon and EGFP) either on a plasmid or integrated at the leu2 or endogenous Pho4 locus. also evaluate the population heterogeneity and use the PHO5pr-mCherry reporter to evaluate the functionality of the Pho4 variants Material and methods table of strains methods See...

32614 sym R (5520 sym/8 pcs) 4 img



require(tidyverse) require(cowplot) Goal After determining that I can take the cells directly from the media to the flow cytometer, by diluting them in the original media or just PBS, I decided to repeat the previous experiment, this time dropping the endogenous set (in retrospect should have kept them in) and added newly obtained plasmid-Pho4-G...

19083 sym R (4298 sym/7 pcs) 4 img

2021-03-19 reanalyze Jia and Lindsey's flow cytometry data from 20210310


require(tidyverse) Loading required package: tidyverse Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'dbplyr': method from print.tbl_lazy print.tbl_sql ── Attaching packages ───────────────────────────────────────────────────�...

34344 sym R (6274 sym/22 pcs) 14 img 1 tbl