
Test of RPubs Latest


R Markdown This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on using R Markdown see When you click the Knit button a document will...

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Document Latest


1 Introducción En este primer apartado señalaremos las principales diferencias entre algunos términos vinculados a la inteligencia de negocios1: Data analytics (analítica de datos): comprende el análisis de datos, con independencia de si su...

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In Class Activity 3 Latest


Import the dataset infections1 <- read.table("PopInf.txt",header=FALSE) Our data frame does have column headers so we need to import it with header=TRUE instead Import the dataset again with headers infections <- read.table("PopInf.txt", header...

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Tyler Frankenberg 17

CUNY MSDS DATA607 Wk1 Homewwork Assignment Latest


Men’s Attitudes about Manliness, by Age group In the FiveThirtyEight post “What Do Men Think It Means To Be A Man?”, the authors examine responses to a 2019 survey...

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Alfred Rajendra Wijaya | 220605110103 17

Pengenalan Fungsi pada R Latest


R, seperti kebanyakan bahasa komputer, memiliki konstruksi pemrograman untuk mewakili operasi yang mengambil satu atau lebih input dan menghasilkan output. Di R, ini disebut “fungsi.” Di R, semua yang Anda lakukan melibatkan fungsi, baik...

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Ejercicio 1 Curso Estadística Computacional Latest


Desafío 1 Realice otros 10 ejemplos con diferentes operadores matemáticos. 1)Modulo x = 2 y = 3 x%%y ## [1] 2 2)Potencia x^y ## [1] 8 3)Valor absoluto z= -15 abs(z) ## [1] 15 4)Aproximacion al entero mayor ceiling(x) ## [1] 2 5)Aproximacion...

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Giancarlos Santos 17

Problema cap2-34 Latest


Problema 2.34 En una prueba de dureza, una bola de acero se presiona contra el material al que se mide la dureza. El diámetro de la depresión en el material es la medida de su dureza. Se dispone de dos tipos de bolas de acero y se quiere...

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Anna Moroz 17

Decision Tree VS Bayesian Network Latest


Introduction Hello, world! As a part of the analytical team, my task was to build predictive models and assess their performance. In this report, I will do my best to explain in detail what exactly I was doing while coming to my conclusions. First...

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Qin Shen 17

512 hw1 Latest


Directions During ANLY 512 we will be studying the theory and practice of data visualization. We will be using R and the packages within R to assemble data and construct many different types of visualizations. We begin by studying some of the...

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Industry MPM Update Latest


Last update: Wednesday November 27, 2019 Kathryn Rooney Vera, Head of Research & Strategy - - +1 786.871.3758 Gregan Anderson, CFA, Macroeconomic Strategist - - +1 786.871.3743 Mispricing Model...

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