Cassandra Coste 17
MBA 676 Assignment 1 Latest
This assignment is not really a coding assignment. The purpose is mostly to get you used to creating reports in R as you’ll need to do this for future assignments. We will cover reporting in more depth later in the course. Instructions In the...
863 sym R (369 sym/2 pcs)
CasualStatistician 17
Ridge vs Lasso: Overview of the main differences in R Latest
library(tidyr) library(dplyr) library(broom) library(MASS) data(meatspec, package="faraway") Ridge Regression In contesti in cui l’informazione è ridondante, anche i metodi consolidati e semplici come la regressione lineare ordinaria (OLS) non...
9008 sym R (1755 sym/15 pcs) 4 img
1_AIUC1 Latest
COMPILACION DE DATOS, PRODUCCION DE COCHES POR UNIDAD DE DIFERENTES MARCAS EN EL AÑO 2018 Los siguientes datos corresponden a la produccion por marca en mexico en el año 2018, estos datos pueden ser encontrados en este enlace:...
876 sym R (1588 sym/29 pcs) 8 img
Chandler Brown 17
Airquality Homework Latest
Airquality Tutorial and Homework Assignment Load in the Dataset Load the tidyverse package to get the airquality dataset #install.packages("tidyverse") library(tidyverse) ## ── Attaching packages...
1947 sym R (3820 sym/28 pcs) 5 img
specialK Latest
Variables merged2 <- merged %>% remove_rownames %>% column_to_rownames(var="Nom_Barri") %>% select("n.tot","pc.esp","pc.ext","pc.ue27-esp","pc.20.34","2019-2014","var20192014", "hotel2019",...
595 sym R (33774 sym/18 pcs) 12 img
Colleen Petersen 17
Pairwise Alignments and Multiple Sequence Alignments of Shroom Gene in R Latest
A complete bioinformatics workflow in R By: Nathan L. Brouwer “Worked example: Building a phylogeny in R” Introduction Phylogenies can be used to determine relationships between species and how they have evolved over time. Through...
4137 sym R (13084 sym/55 pcs)
Cory Nissen 17
Use foursquare to locate a twitter user using R Latest
I’ve been doing some work with Twitter data. In much of this work, my life would be so much easier if we could geographically locate the origin of the tweets. There are some ways to do this using the twitter APIs. For example, if a user has...
2620 sym 2 img
Christine Thomas 17
DEM 7273 - Lab 1 - Introduction to R Latest
Objectives: Get familiar with R and Rstudio Know how to set working directory Know how to read a data file into R Know the basics of R and Rstudio setwd("C:/Users/cs49226/Documents/Fall 2020/Stats/R") a. Calculate 444 4^4^4 ## [1]...
773 sym R (452 sym/21 pcs)
Patrick Kelly 17
Document Latest
Maine’s population is 1.89 times that of DC. Maine has 0.35 as many cases as DC. The next plot compares total cases per 100,000. Are testing rates comparable? Here is a video presenting Aatish Bhatia’s approach to trying to answer the...
536 sym 7 img
Seguros Latest
Importar la base de datos #file bd <-read.csv("/Users/danielbravo/Desktop/Manipulación de Datos/Sesión 2/Bases de Datos/seguros.csv") summary(bd) ## ClaimID TotalPaid TotalReserves TotalRecovery ## Min. : 777632...
1496 sym R (10633 sym/9 pcs)