Publications by Cassandra Coste

MBA 676 Assignment 3


Data Import library(tidyverse) Crime_2015 <- read_csv("") CollegeScorecard <- read_csv("") Define Cornelia’s Requirements Find median of Violent Crime excluding NA values summarise(Crime_2015, median(ViolentCrime, na.rm = TRUE)) ## # A tibble: 1 x 1...

2653 sym R (2337 sym/10 pcs)

MBA 676 Assignment 1


This assignment is not really a coding assignment. The purpose is mostly to get you used to creating reports in R as you’ll need to do this for future assignments. We will cover reporting in more depth later in the course. Instructions In the YAML header, change the author name to your name and the date to the current date. (10 points) In the...

863 sym R (369 sym/2 pcs)

MBA 676 Assignment 2


Instructions Refer to the detailed instructions for this assignment in Brightspace. Data Import Don’t alter the three code chunks in this section. First we read in the two data sets and deleting missing values. library(tidyverse) fluoride <- read_csv("") fluoride <- fluoride %>% drop_na() ...

2285 sym R (5324 sym/13 pcs) 1 img

MBA 676 Assignment 4


Install FiveThirtyEight package and load data install.packages("fivethirtyeight") library(fivethirtyeight) head(drinks) ## country beer_servings spirit_servings wine_servings ## 1 Afghanistan 0 0 0 ## 2 Albania 89 132 54 ## 3 Algeria ...

149 sym R (1294 sym/7 pcs) 1 img

MBA 676 Assignment 5


Data Import This data was acquired from and includes a notation that it has a UK Open Government Licence. library(tidyverse) jobs <- read_csv("jobs_by_age_and_gender.csv") head(jobs) ## # A tibble: 6 x 6 ## date age gender all_people full_time part_time ## <chr> ...

1414 sym R (1855 sym/8 pcs) 2 img

MBA 676 Assignment 6


library(stringr) library(rtweet) library(httpuv) library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) library(pacman) library(tidytext) library(tidyverse) library(textdata) library(ggpubr) library(ggwordcloud) library(knitr) library(kableExtra) Set up API authorization my_token <- create_token(app = app, consumer_key = consumer_key, ...

6442 sym R (3840 sym/15 pcs) 2 img

CUNY 607 - Assignment 1


Introduction Data is provided by Fivethirtyeight and is accessed via the fivethirtyeight library. The dataset was used for the article “The Economic Guide To Picking A College Major” found here: The dataset can also be found here:

2879 sym R (2733 sym/6 pcs) 1 img

CUNY 607 - Assignment 3


Load libraries library(tidyverse) Provide code that identifies the majors that contain either “DATA” or “STATISTICS” Utilizing the fivethirtyeight College Majors dataset from the following article [],how many times does the word Data or Statistics appear? ...

2134 sym R (2588 sym/23 pcs)

CUNY 607 - Project 1


Load libraries library(tidyverse) library(knitr) Read in txt file to clean chess_data <-"", header = FALSE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, sep = "|")) Remove junk rows (code developed by classmate Gabriel Campos and shared via Slack) toDelete <...

1318 sym R (3394 sym/14 pcs) 1 tbl

CUNY 607 - Assignment 9


Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to practice using the NYT’s APIs to read data into R and convert to a dataframe. Load libraries library(tidyverse) library(reactable) library(jsonlite) Use NYT API to retrieve movie reviews For my first attempt to use the API I chose to use the Movie Reviews API to pull the reviews for all the ...

1123 sym R (2066 sym/7 pcs)